Women Melting Down And It's HILARIOUS! 😂
Published on 02 Mar 2025 / In
Film & Animation
Don't you just love the laughter of seeing a female Meltdown and drip through the floor boards! lol!
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What a plastic thot. Being masculine is having the willpower to remain pure and untainted by women's sinful ways. Feminine men seek relationships because they want to be around women and need another to rely on for their weak mental health. Or the desire to fit in and do the thing that most people do - have relationships. Being masculine is doing your own thing on your terms without worrying about what other inferior stupid creatures think of you.
Oh it's cancelled because there's a big scary flu pandemic. Remember that sheepish women? Now intelligent men can use that an excuse for anything just to troll people.
For example I don't believe in the flu pandemic ever really existed other than people being generally fat and unhealthy overall. They don't work or exercise ever. However my normie parents believed the whole thing of course. So now I can use that as an endless excuse to avoid going to Thanksgiving/Xmas/etc. Stay home and play video games enjoying life as I want. Instead of showing up to social events where I'm the odd man out being single and not being rich to impress the family with shallow things like money.
Oh you want to go a restaurant for Valentine's? Sorry but that flu virus is too dangerous we shouldn't go anywhere. We couldn't buy anything for Valentine's either because there may be viruses on the Valentine's chocolate or flowers or whatever.
Complteley disregard that women are crawling with STDs. A real health issue.
Most women are so fucking selfish and self centered, that they expect "free gifts" for nothing?
I can't remember the last time a woman ever offered to come over and help fix my car, mow the lawns, do the housework, etc.....
Personally I would and have never done Valentine's Day, or as It ids now known Feb 14th - "International MGTOW DAY" A day when Independent MEN can celebrate their lucky escapes! lol!