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Women, not men, have decided the course of dating, and they hate it.

Published on 22 Mar 2022 / In Film & Animation

With the invention of the internet, online dating, social media and the rampant narcissism, why bother with dating unless for a hook-up? Most people are just using each other unfortunately.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

He contradicts himself at around the 10 minute mark, but he does so unwittingly. He says there's lust but there's nothing to 'fall in love with'. Nobody 'falls in love', that's just a mincing way of saying lust, like saying 'hooking up' or 'sleeping together' instead of having sex. People that love generally don't fall out of love, people that fall in love often fall out of love. These are the markers of infatuation, of lust.

Conflating the terminology is how we've come to this very mess he's talking about now. Controlling the language means controlling the thinking, so in one's own mind these distinctions are important. Love grows, endures, takes time. Lust, infatuation, 'falling in love' area all easy come easy go.

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ExperimentalGroup 3 years ago

This video brings up points, but also their counter argument. Women are bringing up the point of lust, after they’ve enjoyed it since puberty, monetized upon it and now bemoan it because it is no longer producing a return on investment in their older years.

For men, they could enjoy it during puberty if they meet specific physical criteria. And this criteria could carry them into their thirties, but their is also intricate social skill and financial requirements that are added to the physical component. Eventually, men understand that women are a depreciating asset. Mentally, they are are functioning not too far away from the mentality they have as teenagers. So you can expect a bunch of vapid and downright stupid stuff come out of their mouths. It’s like a an old video game that may reward you with sex, but the woman is just getting older and saying the same teenage bullshit. But you also might get an STD, or she might make your life hell and divorce you.
The game gets old. Yeah, eventually the women may eventually see men as actual people, and not a means to some end they are scheming toward, but at that point they are neither attractive nor young. Their viewpoints have solidified from their experiences with men they’ve chosen first and they are often bitter because they are no longer with them, and they may also be bitter that that are reduced to settling.
But I think also men are bitter from their experiences. Some of us realize that we might not be able to get who we want, even if it is simply for a night. And some of us are told that we should be thankful simply to have another person with three holes that is gracious to show us any interest.
I say ‘fuck that.’
Women aren’t doing anything other than taking the mask off and showing who they really are, complete with their scheming and manipulations. They are only sorry that they can only do it for a twenty year window before we get bored of everything they have to offer.

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Heavyhand 3 years ago

Damn……that thumbnail

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GhostPlodderES 3 years ago

Beyond too late, distraction, not worth it.

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