Women Outrage Over NO-FAULT DIVORCE BAN & Permanent Ban ON ALIMONY
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Those women talk? Good, find a truck stop bitches...
So weird to see these women who shriek Feminist dogma from the rooftops and have done so all their lives, suddenly become Little Suzy Homemaker at the slightest inconvenience. Reality has no value in their lives.
Real conservative women there guys.
Those are the same females who're wondering why the men are unwilling to wife them up. And BTW, as long as the State is still in the business of marriage aside from some very basic record-keeping, NOTHING will EVER change.
this just means if the cunt is planning to divorce rape her hubby, she'll need to set him up in some way to put him "at fault". she might get her friend to hit on her hubby and she "accidentally" walks in on it. or she can plant drugs on him etc...basically it'll boil down to HMT for the man.