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Women Playing With Balls - MGTOW

Published on 31 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he briefly has to say: "Ok Sandman I have my question. I just watched Ted Lasso episode 1 on AppleTV+. What is your take on how his wife is messing with his life? What can guys learn from shows like this about how we are trashed? Thank You" Well Ron thanks for the donation and topic. Thanks for getting me to watch a show about sports. I absolutely hate sports in case anyone is wondering. The show is about soccer incase any of you are wondering about what type of balls women are playing with. Get your mind out of the gutter. Unless of course you're a bowler and you get a gutter ball. I know real bad joke. I promise the next one will be even cheesier. So with that out the way I'll get to my thoughts about the first episode of Ted Lasso in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Corona Girl: Anyways now back with the show. So Ted Lasso is an American football coach that gets hired by a European soccer or football everywhere else it's known in the world by the new owner Rebecca. She's making some changes as the football club was given to her in the divorce. Her first act as new owner is to fire the old coach and her excuse is his casual misogyny as well as the tiny shorts he wears where she can see one of his testicles. At first this seems like a classic fish out of water story. But I immediately got the feeling that Rebecca was like the owner of the Cleveland Indians from the film Major League. That she wanted to take her average team and make it terrible for some reason. That's who she reminds me of. I was right because only a Rebecca says that Ted is a Wanker to one of her assistants. In Major League the female owner hires all the terrible reject players that no one else wants. In this case Jessica hires who she thinks will make a terrible coach. Of course she has the cover of plausible deniability that he was a successful coach in America because he successfully coached an amateur American Football team to a championship and now she tells him she expects him to do the same to a Professional Football team. She tells her assistant that she's done this intentionally to burn the club to the ground because it's the one thing her husband loves and she wants to make him suffer. Why do I get the feeling that her plan is predictably going to backfire the way it did in Major League? She's nice to Ted's face but behind the scenes she's a cold bitch. Ron you probably meant how Rebecca was messing with her husband's life and not Ted's. I initially thought it was Ted's wife back in America because when he gets on the plane to England he looks on his phone and you see a picture of a woman and boy. I initially thought that was his ex wife and son and she was going to make his life hell through Skype or Zoom for much of the show. But I guess I was wrong.

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MAC88 4 years ago

The only sport I like boxing. And I don’t watch it either. I practice it myself. Hate sports. But practicing to fight really does release that aggression.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

You have one big assumption that ruins your argument, BUT incels CAN become MGTOW without getting laid. All they need is seeing enough horror stories and some brain cells and they'll leave the plantation. I know it's rare but it's certainly possible, I've seen quite a few incels on the MGTOW subreddits who turned volcel after seeing the picture.

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