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Women should not be police officers

Published on 06 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation


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Haha cunts should not be police officers at all.

how weak and pathetic and they tried and "ALL ELITE WOMENS ISREALI ASSAULT FORCE" and they lost and almost killed by TALIBAN until they got SIMP RESCUED by their goyeem bagel boys to protect them haha Im never gonna forget that.

The guy giving the commentary is fucking hilliarious if it wasnt for him she wouldnt have even got into the property and annoy those sleeping all night the other Simp Babylon uniform wanker Scum couldnt even be bothered to tell her how to do it or do it themselves fucking useless no wonder there was that 100 vs 100 gang fight with machetes all infront of their eyes and all they did was stand and watch and issue a Dispersal order RT TV did a great job taking the piss out of those pathetic UK correction UGAY Uniform Wankers.

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There was 2 cops giving me their LOW IQ summary of my diabetic injection kit - " Mugs Drugs and Quota Hires --- " ---- And there were all these womn in the security and this female cop - all as dumb as fuck....... SERIOUSLY stupid women... And I gave her shit about, "All these diversity and quota hires"... And boy oh boy that riled her = and so she tried to trick me into saying something she could get me for.... So I nailed her, "Oh so your now playing these bullshit mind games as a form of entrapment?" While these retarded fucks were going through my shit.... "Oh a pencil? Why is he bringing a pencil in with his paper work (brief of evidence)? Why does he have a pencil sharpener? Oh my god, Oh my god!" ---- Oh the diversity hires.... Fucking stupid of the stupidest human beings.....

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