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redpills pt 13 - TheRedKnight

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Women shouldn't give numbers to men they dont like

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Published on 04 Dec 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Lucifer333 11 months ago

Its the fucking looser again, I think these vids are for coping or something

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TheRedKnight 11 months ago

He got out of this n became a wrestler :)

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What can I say?

The 7 main differences between healthy and addictive relationships

This guy NEEDS to qualify women by getting to know them, BEFORE he asks them for their numbers.

Most women FAIL at the small talk, the low IQ, discussing the weather, common issues and events etc...

Qualify the women - If they fuck up and fail at the small talk on a face to face basis - guess what they are going to be like with everything after that?

Stop being the fool who has no game....

Fish Shops don't sell steak, Shoe Shops don't sell water melons, Thrift stores don't sell expensive luxury brands...

Checking them out before asking them, is like checking out the shop, BEFORE trying to make a purchase.

Most women can be sized up in 30 seconds or less....

Maxims of Shane T. Hanson.

"What you see IS what you get - not what your hoping for."

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bigintol03 11 months ago

"Why do women do shit like this???"....Um...because they're women, they're worthless trash, and they want validation and attention, that's why!

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Toki 11 months ago

Use your man brain. Not your feminine brain of desperation for social acceptance. That's why you chase women. Fuck people who are too shallow to understand how awful women are. Not enough high IQ monks in the world.

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TheRedKnight 11 months ago

this isnt me, :) this is old archived content, he has surpassed this slump of his and became a professional wrestler :D

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bigintol03 11 months ago

@TheRedKnight: REALLY???

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Toki 11 months ago

@TheRedKnight: I didn't assume it was you the uploader. Many videos on this site are reposts from other platforms I don't want to use such as Tik Tok. I appreciate the MGTOWTV content RedKnight. It's depressing to see this guy who still hasn't figured it out yet. I came to the conclusion about women when I was about 25 after being a fuckboi. The real problem is male elders do not warn young males about how women are simply demons. Not the good anime succubi type either. But true demons.

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TheRedKnight 11 months ago

@Toki: he got out of this slump and became a professional wrestler :D he's much better now :D

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Toki 11 months ago

Your mistake is talking to real women. Let me show you USS Massachusetts. She can be yours in Honey Select if and when you need her. Without the Gov involved. No debts, no welfare, no abortions, they don't vote, they don't cheat, etc. They don't produce future tax slaves for our prison world of shitty humans either.

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