redpills pt 13 - TheRedKnight

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Women Show Zero Interest In Me There Is No Hope!

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Published on 22 Nov 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Lucifer333 11 months ago

  • plane ticket US/Brazil round trip: $800
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Stop whining and get the best pussy money can buy:

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Mustang 11 months ago

Men are under a strong delusion. They think having a wife will complete them and satisfy their desires. It doesn't. Don't fall for the old lie. Stay single. 304's don't care about you. They only care about themselves.

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TripeSwing 11 months ago

2 minutes in and I'm gonna 1st say that I think this young man is of fine character & very brave to be so honest on camera to strangers on such a sensitive and personal subject. Secondly, I'm just gonna guess that his mother has berated him throughout his life and his father either wasn't around or neglected to stick up for his son, or both. How old is he, under 25? So he hasn't the perspective of pre-internet/social media days. Females were already difficult before. Now social media has made them impossible, & with the help of the ever present State, literally dangerous to a normal happy life for men. For me it was my lifelong pursuit of musical knowledge and ability that gave me focus other than females. I suggest he find something that will accomplish that for him, but if I were to do it all over again I might choose something more practical, like advanced math or a trade. I grew up under a 70s single ma 1.0. I think growing up under a single ma (widows excepted) is a handicap to be compared to losing a limb or even two. Stick with your character & believe in yourself, buddy. You appear to be a really nice guy. Don't let modern skanks ruin that for you, and don't fall for the banana in the tailpipe trick. They really like to push that lie. Don't fall for it.

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TheRedKnight 11 months ago

hey, this is black kent from like 10yrs ago, hes my age, he has gotten over this "phase" and is a professional wrestler and became somewhat of a body builder, this is past him. :) and no this isnt me XD

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Lucifer333 11 months ago

@TheRedKnight: you are posting this...why?

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