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Women Taking Over Geek Culture - MGTOW

Published on 10 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Water and here's what he has to say: "YO SANDMAN WHAT'S UP! I DON'T KNOW IF YOU'RE INTO VIDEO GAMES, COMIC BOOKS, AND MOVIES BUT I WANT YOU TO DO A VIDEO ON WHAT YOU THINK THE FUTURE IS FOR ALL 3 WITH FEMINISM TRYING TO PUT THEIR HANDS IN EVERYTHING. TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA IN THE COMIC WORLD THERE IS ALMOST A FEMALE VERSION OF EVERY GREAT MALE HERO OR VILLAIN. THERE'S A FEMALE DEADPOOL, FEMALE SUPERMAN, FEMALE BATMAN, FEMALE JOKER, FEMALE HULK, FEMALE ANTMAN, FEMALE THOR, AND SO ON. OBVIOUSLY ALL THE FEMALE MOVIES NEEDS NO EXPLAINATIONS LOL. AND AS FAR AS VIDEO GAMES, IN THE GAME SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY THE PRINCESS IS KIDNAPPED BY THE VILLAIN BECAUSE HE WANTS TO MARRY HER. THE HERO THEN RESCUES HER THEN BOTH THE VILLAIN AND HERO PROPOSES TO HER AT THE SAME TIME AND SHE REJECTS BOTH OF THEM. WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? LOL AND DURING THE PRODUCTION OF THE LAST GOD OF WAR GAME FEMINISTS COMPLAINED THAT HE WAS TOO MANLY AND AGGRESSIVE WHICH LED TO THE DEVELOPERS TURNING AN AWESOME SAVAGE RAMPAGING MERCILESS MACHINE INTO A GRUMPY OLD FRUSTRATED MAN CALLING HIS SON "BOY" ALL DAY. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS SANDMAN? Well Water thanks for the donation and topic. I'll share my thoughts in just a moment about women taking over Geek Culture but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Well Water, first off I'm not really into video games anymore because I don't have the time and because in a sense making daily content on YouTube is like a video game trying to rack up views, dollars and interesting comments. As a game I've been dealing with social justice warriors and women trying to destroy this online game for me for years. It's just that now the rest of the world has to deal with what many YouTubers have been dealing with for ages. I didn't really know what Gamer Gate was about. Nor did I really care about people like Anita Sarkeesian. They will be forgotten quickly and thrown into the dustbin of history. Also Water, thanks for making me aware of Super Mario Odyssey. Looks like social justice has infected Nintendo as well. I guess they are promoting the idea that she's an independent Princess that don't need to man. What would have been funnier is if at then end of the game some random Chad character with muscles shows up and takes her away from both of them. It kind of reminds me of a YouTube video that's a game play one where the main character has to keep making more and more money to make his wife happy. In the end when you go bankrupt trying to keep your wife happy and the banker that lent him money to sustain her lifestyle ends up marrying her instead. The banker of course sounds like a loser because he's going for a used goods single mother. The jokes on him as second marriages have even higher rates of divorce than the first ones. I'm also not really into comics although I still keep most of my childhood comics. But I saw there were comics with female Thor. Marvel toyed with having Natalie Portman play the new Thor in the film but it looks like they have backed off from that.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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SteveOUK 4 years ago

I've seen a few fandoms in which women were the dominant population from the outset: Pern, Elfquest, Harry Potter, etc. These are POISONOUS fandoms, full of hate and invective the likes of which are hard to quantify. And in Elfquest fandom, the overwhelming female majority has denied it's an overwhelmingly female majority, claiming that its various members' denials constitute "empirical evidence" that it's not a majority. The fandoms utterly worship failure--the least capable woman is the most honored while the most capable are treated as servants to the losers. Occasionally a celebrity will emerge and her myrmidons will follow her through any number of reversals wholly based on the emotion of the moment. Demonstrable double-standards are the norm, while hotly denied even in the face of evidence. Women-centric fandoms are the inverse of reality, which is why I don't bother with them anymore.

...and they're taking over Star Wars, Trek, Dr. Who, etc.

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SJWtears 4 years ago


Women are getting so desperate for mens attention that they are willing to invade and destroy the last safe havens of men with their shit testing and equality bullshit...

No SIMPathy for thots, fuck these bitches

Being a free man is the most powerful thing one can achieve in life

Ignore women, acquire wealth and live free

only men can be free, women will always be dependent on men... equality is a lie and against the human nature

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anonmachina 4 years ago

I'm inspired.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

'No SIMPathy for THOTS. Being a free man is the most powerful thing one can achieve in life. Equality is a lie. THERE SHALL BE NO MERCY'. -Red Pill Major CHIP HAZARD (or so I suspect he would paraphrase)

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Grin_Reaper 4 years ago

Women will only be attracted to something once they are told it is ok to like it. When geek culture was seen as the domain of socially awkward men they stayed away like it was a disease. Now that it has become mainstream and cool they are moving in and taking over. What this tells me is that women are hard-wired to be easily suggestible and are more prone to manipulation by the media.

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BigBaddaBoom 4 years ago

@Grin_Reaper: Exactly right. Once geeks became flush with cash after the Dot-Com era, women started flocking towards geek hobbies. Did they suddenly start liking anime, RPGs, comics, and Sci-Fi? No, they realized there's gold in those hills.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

To date, I have not personalky met or observed a single woman genuinely interested in tech to a level even remotely qualifying as, 'geek'.

There are some that appear 'geeky'. But, once you delve below the surface, the personal interest, and more importantly, the in-depth knowledge, is simply....absent.

I also find it abhoring how the purported 'female geeks' are commonly NOT motivated in the absence of an audience.

A 'geek' will DEVOUR dozens, perhaps hundreds, of documents, studies, books, and data in other forms, to develop intimate knowledge of the subject of interest (commonly in the pursuit of the 'perfect-fit' solution to a goal in the area of interest).

I know--I have at times consummed THOUSANDS of pages to specialize in an area of interest. And that commonly PRECEDES my diving into the project.

The very concept of 'geek culture' is dissonant with the reality of a 'geek'.

Or so I opine.

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BigBaddaBoom 4 years ago

Male geeks indulge in those interests as solitary pursuits. Female "geeks" indulge in those interests as performative pursuits.

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

They aren’t taking it over, more so appropriating it to satisfy their never ending hunger for validation and resources. A good bit of them are actually hot, like the career ones, but you realize that is all they are about and their intentions, a majority of us would write them off as losers.
Unless you are a simp. Then they are just taking your money.

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