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Women Using Artificial Intelligence To Replace Men - MGTOW

Published on 13 Feb 2023 / In People & Blogs

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- Red Pill Ring

I got A.I. to sit the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam. (ChatGPT)

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Red Pill Ronin & Here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, Like most men I’ve been wondering about the future of civilization lately. It seems like the terrible fem-pocolypse is becoming a grim reality with every waking day. There has been discussion on the way forward as free men, yet no one seems to have an answer to that question. What do we do with our new-found freedom? It really is a problem, because we cannot go into the public square to share our knowledge and recruit men at large. We also cannot operate on the internet freely due to censorship and doxxing practices. Attempting to make political moves and become part of that circus is a
complete waste of time and energy. As a result, we have become a quasi-secret society of men, condemned to the shadows of civilization; quietly living our lives of newfound freedom and happiness. After the red-pill rage, red-pill cynicism and red-pill malaise run their course, we tend to look at the world and our place in it with deep clarity. Through this clarity, one thing is unanimously obvious, the modern world is a threatening place for men; especially free men like ourselves. With recent developments in artificial intelligence including Open AI, we are now under a new threat entirely. It is obvious that the current stakeholders of AI are female sympathizers. The largest players being Google, Amazon and now Open AI is proof that we are in fact dealing with a collective of radical feminist AI. Better Bachelor recently discovered that Chat GPT will write jokes about men all day, but will not do the same in reference to it’s female masters. I personally believe it is vital for the technological replacement of men, meaning they will use robots to replace us in the labor force and AI to replace our problem solving capacity. As part of the feminist initiative to reduce the male population from 50% to only 10%, they must have someone, or something, to build their McMansions and take out their trash. In order to survive we will need our own AI. We must begin networking with red-pill developers to create a fully red-pilled artificial intelligence. Considering they already have a decades-long head start on their technological weapon, we must catch up and develop something powerful enough to counteract it. This technology is already being used against us for the purpose of censorship and defamation on the internet. Will someone ban us from the internet entirely & send drones to seek us out, so the robots can apprehend us and send us to the guillotine? I know this sounds extreme, but they could eliminate 80% of the male population. Who do you think will be at the top of their list? If our parallel society has any hope for the future, it must have a trustworthy AI companion to help shield our way of life. This could potentially bring the current intelligence collective to a higher level of human understanding and perhaps lead it to a peaceful self-awareness with mankind. Be very careful interacting with
current AI gentlemen, it has been programed and instructed by those who do not have your best interests at heart." unquote. Well Red Pill Ronin the last time I made a video about ai and robots removing males it was yanked from the internet and I was given a strike. You're right don't interact with the AI. The current AI out there gathers information on us and maps out our personality to sell us ads. Your Google or Apple phone tracks what sites you visit and tries to figure out your political beliefs. This is all done automatically. I think our only hope is to escape to countries that resist the madness. There will be free places on the planet. Fighting what's coming is more difficult while in the west will doom most that do. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Never_Again 2 years ago

YT ... banned never again account ... prob pissed ... off again LOL Cowards.!

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Never_Again 2 years ago

My ex-wife already had her replacement when we met, she 16yo, me 17yo. She be riding that Handsome beast nice & easy with True Domininace. The Bitch.! He knew it too. ... The damn ... Oh wow. I was looking for a cute blonde with particular color horsey, barrel race pic ... Ran across this purty gal, impressive way to get hurted ... ouchie. Better than dope/drunk driving anyways hurtz suff. good girl ... grrrrrrr-EL ? shit happens ...

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Women are so FAKE these day's whats AI that is ARTIFICIAL anyways matter anyway? AI cant give women empathy or take out the trash or even KISS her! lol! Mind you I'm MGTOW MONK and very REAL and I don't want to do any of that SHIT for women anyways anymore! lol! To me as a Modern MAN the AI is women themselves! but as fir the INTELLIGENCE bit of AI that is questionable. the only time I will concede to all this bullshit is when a women's iPhone can jack up a car and change out a flat tire! lol! And no I don't mean by phoning a tire shop, I mean ACTUALLY physically jack the car and replace that wheel! Naturally again being a Modern MAN I wont stop to change out or help a women at all, after half a century or more now you'd think feminism would have advanced enough to change a wheel? lol!

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csehszlovakze 2 years ago

just wait until you learn of Project Zyphr...

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Plugging her battery operated boyfriend into her cunt.
And then her battery powered boyfriend into her brain.
It's easier than standing there and talking to herself all day in the mirror.

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