Women vs escalator
Published on 07 Oct 2023 / In
Film & Animation
she is almost as imbecillic as me
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It reminds me of a guy in his 50's - well in the public transport trains, there are vertical grab poles near the doors, and hand height horizontal rails from the vertical pole to the door.
AND I had ONE part of the racing bikes handle bar, hooked over the horizontal rail.... so the front wheel was 6" off the ground and the back wheel was in a place that people could all get around it.... It's basically an unrestrained clipped over the bar object.....
So the guy - he does NOT get up, and walk to the door and hold the vertical or horizontal rail before the train start slowing down for the stop....
The train is coming into the stop, under modestly hard brakes, and THEN he gets up, and heads towards the door, and there is something wrong with him...
So he starts losing his footing and stumbling and going forward into the direction the train is heading... and the fucking idiot... what does he reach out to grab?
My bicycle..... which is only clipped over the hand rail by the racing bike type U bar end... It's NOT a hand rail for train passengers in a moving train... It's a fucking bike on public transport.
So he and the bicycle go arse up and in a heap - and I just look at him, "Are you fucking stupid or something?"
And this old woman - goes onto the escalator - leaning backwards, and doesn't lean forward, as in if your going to topple over - drop to your knees... not tumble over backwards etc..
She doesn't do the cat grip - on all fours face down, and ride it out to the top.. Nope - she just tumbles over and over and over and over.....
I get tired of rescuing the stupid from them selves.
I'll take the karmic hit for finding this hilarious
At :40 she groks that she must crawl out of the horrible vortex, and paws her waaaaay offff. . . but no.
Asian FuckTard vs escalator.
Reminds me of Miami airport, when you come off an American Airlines flight from Port-au-Prince. It was always fucking hilarious.