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Women Want Your Soul - MGTOW

Published on 25 Jul 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from PhantomX and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I was hoping you could share your thoughts on the topic of women's self entitlement towards always using (or should I say taking) things exclusively made for men. Mind you that this also stems into other facets of things that are a bit more unconventional but valid to my frustration as well. Let me elaborate. First and foremost the more obvious things being that of our clothing, grooming and hygiene products. There's so many commercials and advertisements depicting women just helping themselves (or flat out taking) our soap/body wash, shampoo, deodorant, hair brushes, combs, razors and trimmers. On a sidenote those same commercials always try depicting the guy as if these things are wasted on him or it has to be by the woman's approval for them to select and use said items as if we are stupid & have no idea how to make ourselves presentable without their guidance. It's some of the most disgusting, undermining, emasculation, and condescension I've ever seen. The best example of this is the recent Old Spice campaign where the guy is calling out the woman for her condescension and sense of entitlement towards what's rightfully made specifically for him to use and blatantly says for men on the label no less. Casually she pretends as if this is utterly impossible for a man to have something so good as if we're supposed to have the most terrible things and have no right to anything remotely good to ourselves. She even tries to play it off as if she clearly could not see that the Old Spice products specifically said for men on the label. Even afterwards still she was reluctant to accept that she was wrong for making that assumption and for stealing his deodorant. Other examples of this that are a little less obvious but just as annoying is the fact that women reaching to take food off of your plate when you're dining with them. But if you do the same thing to them they're liable to stab you with a fork or a slap your hand shoeing it away from their food telling you to get your own. Lastly what comes to mind is women having access to supposed male only clubs and organizations this making them unisex. Thus taking away our safe havens to vent, destress, and have enjoyment without the female element tainting the sanctity of such places. If the shoe were on the other foot and guys wanted to be in places that were "women only" it would be a problem instantly causing us to be berated and ridiculed for even thinking about it. This has always bothered me for many reasons. The main reason being that Society is so lopsided in favor of female privilege in spite of the sanctity and exclusivity of certain things/amenities that are specifically for the usage of men only. Even when we've been inclusive towards them by bending the rules (willingly or reluctantly) for this to happen the same privilege has not been done the other way around for us. Anyway I could go on and on about this, but instead will yield so that you can ponder over this and possibly offer your insights." Well Well PhantomX thanks thanks for the donation and topic. It's worse than I thought. I haven't watched television in over a decade and I use adblockers online so I don't have to subject myself to such stupidity. All the negative things they do like pumping out degrading ads are designed to wear us down emotionally and nag us into submission by turning us into a simpasaurus. It works in most relationships so they figure it's going to work on the male masses if they nag us on television which most of us don't even watch anymore. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's Aaron Clarey:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

The part about AI reminds me of something an online friend told me that I found interesting. He said that many companies who are working on AI like Amazon and google and placed the ai in the internet— they found that the ai started replicating itself into the internet which made them remove the AI.

However if this is true then, we have a lot of AIs in the internet learning and doing who knows what.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

On the subject of economics and financial independence, I’d recommend the rich dad poor dad book by Robert. If you look for it online you can find it for free.

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SIGMA78 4 years ago

What the hell is 553?

Better not be cyber attacks.

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SIGMA78 4 years ago

Amen...We don’t just call these bitches femons for nothing cause they are definitely lower in spiritual vibrations thus is why we call them femons.

; )

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