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Women, you believe you are intimidating? You're using the wrong word.

Published on 19 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

Women believe themselves capable of intimidating men just because they act like a guy. Ladies guess what? You got it all wrong!

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SteveOUK 2 years ago

We're not "intimidated". We just aren't impressed. Firstly, a "successful" woman wants to be patted on the back for what a man does every day: meet obligations and advance oneself. "I take care of my business!" they cry, as if a baseline performance is an item to be praised. They claim to be fighting an uphill battle as if men don't. They claim there are obstacles for women which men don't face, while in the real world there are tangible, provable advantages for women which men will never know.

There is nothing so difficult for a woman as acknowledging reality. It's like a child who colored a line art picture in a book but wants the recognition of an Renaissance master for it.

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