Wood doll 1 – Réalisée avec Clipchamp
My first wood doll of a anime character called tionisha.
First upload ever. She's not finished yet but i want to show that ANYONE can make a doll.
She is amazing to cuddle she doesn't have a love hole yet. Her torso is wrapped with a dollarstore pillow stuffing. All the rest is polyester stuffing from walmart from the big bag (34$ or more) and a smaller bag polyester stuffing bag.
The fabric body is bedsheets from a thrift store, 4$ each.
Her clothes are secondhand, her head is a styrofoam head with stuffing on the outside with a layer of cloth to keep it all nice. Her breasts are polyester stuffed pantyhose.
she is 170cm tall, 140cm breasts, 75cm waist and 119cm hips. Her wood core measurements are 75cm torso, 47cm waist and 76cm hips. Everything was made by hands, no hands tools execpt the dril use for screwing screws
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https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YaD-jNm....JEH0/maxresdefault.j Just keep your creation a secret from this creature...
By the way would you kindly share your The Doll Forum link to us all.