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Worker dead at Wells Fargo desk for 4 days

Published on 02 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics

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KEEPER 6 months ago  

it could have happened on a late Friday night, then because nobody worked on Saturday or Sunday, that it was Monday when anyone noticed anything like a smell and then Tuesday they found the culprit of the smell.

these places often have security guards in them every night but they mostly consist of one guard and they do check their rounds but not everything will be checked due to what their path is presented for them happens to be, so there could be areas that are unchecked by the security guard because it was not on their presented path to check these other areas.

how do i know this, because i used to be a security guard and they had us follow markers to check and we only checked the marked route as we walked through the area, but the smell could also be mistaken as spoiled food in trashcans depending on how bad it was, which is not a security guards concern in most cases, that is left for the janitors or custodians.

i have also been a custodian and janitor and i remember working in offices like this, but never in a building this big and i could clearly see the people working in their work spaces late into the night or for as long as my shift was, back in those days it was only 4 hours and i had to be out by 9pm most nights.

janitors don't work on weekends for the most part in buildings like this, that's more a through the week kind of deal.

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clivemcd 6 months ago

The ultimate Strong & Independent exit from this world.

So I've been very involved with my local community for security / community policing and general helping out wherever for many years. Been doing this for +/- 20 years and I can say that woman did not die without anyone noticing 5+ years ago. We would get a request to go check on x from a family member or a friend when they stop responding to usually find an injured or recently deceased person.

Things have changed a lot in the last 5 years. Its not unusual for the ladies to be very chewed up by their small animals by the time a neighbor decides to complain about the smell. It is happening enough that I'd call it common now.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

that's life, i know people joke about the animals eating them, but i find it very efficient when animals eat a corpse, problem is, it's just too much food for these animals to possibly eat fast enough to keep up with the decaying of the body to get rid of the smell. maybe that's really fucked up for me to say, but i find that nature in this role is a good thing, although it might not be that great when the hired cleaners hear about it and are set to clean it up.

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Drums_McBashington 6 months ago

Someone should check on her cats...

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sbseed 6 months ago

no surpise, they already treat their customers like shit why would it be any different for employees...

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sbseed 6 months ago

what suddenly they know what a 'woman' is?

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GenerationLESS 6 months ago

Maybe they don't need such a big building.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i'm thinking this might have been one of their headquarter locations that had perhaps a call line for people with inquiries and she was one of those people who stayed late, because that does exist, and they have all kinds of other jobs where people could be working late for other reasons such as they might have deadlines they need to get finished and they might take extra time to get them done, in my opinion she might have suffered a heart attack or complications due to a certain booster clot shot we can't talk about or any number of other things, but it likely happened during the night when most people already left the building for the night and weekend. just my theory.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

she could have been eating her dinner or lunch for all we know and chocked on her food.

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GenerationLESS 6 months ago

@KEEPER: The "poke" was the first thing to come to my mind.

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