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Workers REFUSING to Return to the Office, Boomers Mad!

Published on 19 Jun 2022 / In Film & Animation

The never-ending battle continues! Many workers, especially those who have always been remote at their current jobs, see no need to return to an office environment!

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Garfunkleyourself 3 years ago

There are many who work their asses off for nothing. Millennials started as one of the hardest working generations. But they never got paid well, especially now with rising inflation. We went through a 2008 economic downturn, and the one now.

Too many people never had the chance to save money or financially recover from the first downturn. Those bailouts the govt. did were nice and all but nowhere near what people actually needed. They need stable jobs that are willing to teach them.

America is going to need patience to teach people jobs, which it doesn't have. So, good luck. You have 2 to 2 1/2 generations of people that don't know shit. Gen Z can't even tell you what a woman is, and many women lack the strength to raise a boy (so they try to make them weak). Sick people in these new generations. Mostly thanks to fatherless households, because women don't like to marry the poor. Now people are starting to realize the people who were made poor through these economic shifts were made that way on purpose.

Many businesses have gone under leaving employees stranded, it's not just people quitting their jobs. 64% of the North American population were living pay-check to pay-check at the start of the pandemic. Now many are on the streets because of lockdowns and other overblown COVID propaganda related bullshit. If I ever have to work as a wage slave again that job will be through a mufukin workers Union.

10 Years from now I'm going to publish a book on common sense and become a millionaire with my revolutionary idea that woman have vagina's and men have a penis.

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GhostPlodderES 3 years ago

1000% correct.

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