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World Land Speed Record Holding Tractors - Something Fucking Else : )

Published on 28 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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mrghoster 3 months ago

Brilliant little doc, Always had a thing for tractor's because as a kid we had a Gas station in the middle of East Yorkshire that was surrounded by farms, the old couple with the farm behind the station had a barn full of equipment including tractors and we used to get a ride on the trailer occasionally. when you are 5 years old the speed seemed like that of a Salt flat Tractor! in reality being only 15 to 20 mph if that, thanks for posting mate - by the way afterI got out of school my first job was for a Massey Ferguson dealership and I got to drive quite a few tractors on sited, my favoroite still to this day was the little MF 135.

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AND I had to skim through it - busy and a big day and I was quite tired.... but from what I gathered, that the OLD tractors had steel wheels, and thanks to this guy / and the factory / team, they got GOOD inflatable rubber tyres on all the tractors instead. The transition point in history....

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AND the fun / worrying aspect - that the guy in the starter picture, that actually looks like a brilliantly fun thing to drive and it just looks cool - but unless the road is extremely flat - NO suspension = that could get really bad in an instant...... Maybe that is why basic vehicles like tractors, only have very low real world speeds.....

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Unless it was glassy smooth and dead flat..... This really frightens me, even thinking about going anything much above jogging speed... Big Bouncy Tyres and NO suspension.... https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2ZbkOSH....4x6E/maxresdefault.j

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The guy who drove hiw 100 MPH + tractor, said, "It was like riding a frightened buffalo". To me it's like a 2 ton basket ball..... The idea of bouncing and going off line and pitching and twisting and rolling etc... Fuck it's a great looking tractor.... But I am terrified to think about it...... AND there are a lot of people who also drive tractors, have talked about going 15 miles an hour +, across a ploughed field or rough road and becomming quite frightened... "Ohhh I got it up into 4th gear and Whooooooooooooo"..... But fuck it's a good looking tractor.. .

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mrghoster 3 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: It's an Allis Charmers (AC) that thinks it's an (AC) Cobra! lol!

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@mrghoster: I'd be prepared to give it 30 or 40 mph on the salt flats, by Australian roads in many areas, are SO rough..... This is a bit of road that was so rough I almost broken my neck when my head hit the car roof..... https://maps.app.goo.gl/NxBnNKhjc65zdhin8 ------ The image is piss poor - but I only ever took that road once and then found all the bypass roads to the south....

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