WRAW4: The Hardest Pill to Swallow (blackpill/tfl/doomer)
Published on 26 Nov 2022 / In
What Really Attracts Women. Another 140+ examples
Redpill Reich's channel: https://www.youtube.com/@redpillreich4263/videos
Blackpill TV's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCqiXrMJCtIihoZw8u
#blackpill #doomer #trueforcedloneliness #tfl #foreveralone #fa #involuntarycelibacy #incel #oofy doofy #lookism #lookstheory #oofydoofy #oofydoofytheory
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Sometimes life is like fishing: It's a matter of timing. If she rejects you, COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. JMO.
I and many MGTOW and masculist content makers have been banned by YouTube. Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube is a monoconscious feminazi bigot (MFB), she promotes feminist channels, and deletes masculist channels, making her a SHBer (sexist hypocritical bigot) hated by the masculists. Masculists punish women like that severely, by effectively exterminating them, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, so that their hypocritical feminazi genes are removed from the gene pool. Monoconscious feminists are unaware that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, with women's man slavery, women's divorce rape, women's forced fathering, etc. which are horrible gender crimes that women commit against men. When biconscious masculists are confronted by a monoconscious feminazi, they bite her fucking head off with a verbally vicious, hateful, masculist attack, making her painfully conscious that women oppress men worse, and if she remains monoconscious, she will pay a heavy price of not getting a man, since in time, most men will be masculisted and MGTOWed, who don't tolerate misandrist, male dumping, feminazi, cunts, and punish them to death, forcing them to die a slow miserable death, rotting on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and spat at, utterly rejected, until they become biconscious, and vote with men for the men-fairing of the gender laws, so that men are prepared to have relationships with women again, but we are a long way from that today.
hows it's goimg Travis my mgtow brother great video i'm more than honored to be your first subscriber i suspect you are going to be big... keep it up there's also a lot of ways to receive support and tip's on this platform and of course YouTube. happy thanks giving