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WW3 draft goes to western THOTS.

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Published on 04 May 2021 / In News & Politics

If you submit or come up with some reason in your head "guess i got to do it" taking up responsibility cause you think your a man and men are accountable for womens actions you are not my brother you are my enemy. When world war 3 starts they will only have women fighting and simps. I will never die for this evil western culture. Come up in my comments saying it wont happen thats how i weed out the simps. Women are finished, they get 0 passes, only death awaits them.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

It will give the US a chance to use it's secret "CHINKBUSTER" Tanks. China has a similar thing but it is more a case of "a Chink in the Armor"!

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GenerationLESS 4 years ago

I'd say that was a fair statement to say its against the interests of China and the U.S.

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

But it’s inevitable because they can’t reign in women. So they’re next option is to create global tyranny? Nah war is inevitable the only way they bring peace and stability now is with artificial wombs. If men accept technocratic slavery that would be a nightmare scenerio.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

@acelaken: I agree wholeheartedly with your comments, people around the world have a moral duty to stand up to these evil people. The world is inherently bad if good men fail to stand up to evil, it takes constant work. I don't know how anyone could support the current government, they are like an occupation force, why do they need national guard in dc if they are so popular? We should make the CCP and the US government personnel go and fight each other themselves instead them tricking normal honest people to go die for them. Dying for immoral people is wrong. The government in both countries are evil and have caused so much suffering in this world, hell may be too kind of a punishment for some of them. Do not sign your life away for a government that hates you and would gladly dump your body in the trash after it is riddled with bullets, this goes for the Chinese people and Americans. The normal people of this world need to rise up and tell these people we will no longer work for your bullshit trash ideas. Do not be tricked to die for these morally bankrupt scum, they have given you a middle finger and rub it in your face. How can you feel honor to join a military that thinks its priority should be to pay for sex change operations?

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: think of all the little Hitlers in the government you have to deal with even on a local level. These useless drones that make more money then you that get to bully you around about petty bullshit like telling you you can't do a,b,c,d, and e without first paying them tribute and getting a license. we need to hand them a rifle, put them on a boat and ship them off to china to re-enact d-day. Stop sending the young men of nations to do all the heavy lifting just so you can fuck society up just so you can be a lazy useless piece of shit. It seems like all these guys do with there money is buy very gay cars, try to turn people gay, or rape children and try to get away with it. A lot of these govt and rich ppl are weird fuck that just keep doing weird stuff like take young peoples blood. These people need to get a rifle themselves and take care of it since they are the ones making all the threats. I can't wait to see them win the battle, yeah right haha.

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thisisamgtowaccount 4 years ago

@acelaken: you don't think that artificial wombs would be regulated to the point of utter tyranny? Just look at how normal babies are poked, injected, and treated like half wards of the state at birth already.

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

@thisisamgtowaccount: no I don’t

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