X Just Allowed This and NOBODY Is Talking About It
Published on 04 Jun 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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when people said elon was all about free speech, i got more than a few people on this site pushing back on this idea and i wondered what they meant, but now i see it plainly that Elon is not to be trusted, judge on not what he says, judge him on what he does because he is a wolf in sheep's clothing and it sounds very much he will bring the mark of the beast to the people who mostly oppose it.
but they are fooled into thinking he's all for free speech while adding in this idea for a online ID, people would be stupid to sign up for that nonsense.
Side scrollers?
If I was X, I'm not on any social media site, I would check out that BX girl's content. Sounds like she gets into some pretty heavy areas.
David Icke has exposed loads of information on Musk, and what an active member of the global cult that he is. Musk claims A.I. is a danger to humanity, then promotes it with brain implants and the such. His space X program is covering the earth with 5G...HE IS JUST THE SOFT SELL SALESMAN!! There is no way he can "develop" all this crap and still have time to do all these interviews for the "mainstream" alternative media. The guy is a shill. Like David Icke says; "He reminds me of a small boy in short trousers." I lost respect for Alex Jones when he told Elon that he (Elon) was his hero.
Yeah Fuck Elaine Masky I said a long time ago he is a fake and weirdo and a FAGGOTT, never to be trusted and nobody wanted to Listen, Also be careful of that RAZORFAG he wears make up and did an commercial for erectile dysfunction and all that know who hate him he is a closet FAGGOT and Undead Chronic has information on him also FUCK StyxHexonhammer as well he is a skinny closet FAGGOTT as well that got Cucked and now getting Divorced raped well good fuck all them FAGGOTTS, ELAINE, MAKEUP WEARING NO BALLS FAG AND SKINNY TEA LOVING IDIOT FAG. \G/
Elon is a trustafarian. I don't trust anyone born with a trust fund. In my opinion Elon will do what's best for his bottom line. The Elon fanboys make me laugh.