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X Just Allowed This and NOBODY Is Talking About It

Published on 04 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

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KEEPER 8 months ago  

when people said elon was all about free speech, i got more than a few people on this site pushing back on this idea and i wondered what they meant, but now i see it plainly that Elon is not to be trusted, judge on not what he says, judge him on what he does because he is a wolf in sheep's clothing and it sounds very much he will bring the mark of the beast to the people who mostly oppose it.

but they are fooled into thinking he's all for free speech while adding in this idea for a online ID, people would be stupid to sign up for that nonsense.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

another way these websites get your information is simply through 2 factor authentication, basically if your phone number is tied to the account they can get access to your phone number via the parent company and extract your personal data from them, it's totally fucked that these people have this power over you, and to be honest, these sites are never worth signing up to, your better off just ignoring them and never using that site for anything.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Side scrollers?

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KEEPER 8 months ago

yeah, it's just the name of the channel who hosted this conversation podcast. why do you ask this?

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GenerationLESS 8 months ago

If I was X, I'm not on any social media site, I would check out that BX girl's content. Sounds like she gets into some pretty heavy areas.

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GenerationLESS 8 months ago

David Icke has exposed loads of information on Musk, and what an active member of the global cult that he is. Musk claims A.I. is a danger to humanity, then promotes it with brain implants and the such. His space X program is covering the earth with 5G...HE IS JUST THE SOFT SELL SALESMAN!! There is no way he can "develop" all this crap and still have time to do all these interviews for the "mainstream" alternative media. The guy is a shill. Like David Icke says; "He reminds me of a small boy in short trousers." I lost respect for Alex Jones when he told Elon that he (Elon) was his hero.

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GenerationLESS 8 months ago

If Musk is such a free speech absolutist, why the fuck would the global cult sell Twitter to Musk? Threaten to sue him if he DIDN'T buy Twitter? Anyone with their eyes, and mind, open should see right through this fraud.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@GenerationLESS: i guess i didn't have a brain when that took place, i just thought the reason why they sued was because they found out their website was worthless and didn't want to lose out on all that money, because he was backing out of the deal, but idk that was just the narrative at the time.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

it's better to mention that if he was such a free speech absolutist, he would have allowed anything on his site, and he did for a while but now is doing things almost identical to the previous owners and allowing everything, recently i just heard X or twitter is now allowing porn on the site when previously they were against it, however they are also introducing the idea of only allowing people who have submitted their ID on the site to view it, funny thing is you can get porn for free from various websites still to this day so i wouldn't be going to twitter to view it if i wanted to, so the idea of keeping it but getting your ID sounds more like a trap than anything, but everyone across the industry are advocating for this nonsense, the online ID will likely be a legal requirement for all businesses one day and will likely effect this site if it comes into law, at that point websites like this will not be able to operate in this country anymore and Amr would have to do this somewhere else, and people would have to become very creative just to view his site, all this regulation bullshit to protect the children is leading to our own enslavement to the government, and ever worse is republicans' are advocating for this nonsense as well as democrats, these people are beyond stupid and will do anything for the children only to enslave themselves and the future of their children.

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GenerationLESS 8 months ago

@KEEPER: Just threatened to sue.

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GenerationLESS 8 months ago

@KEEPER: We all know that "think of the children" is what they're hiding behind,. The agenda has shown they want to warp the children. It's just more proof that Dems and Reps are just 2 sides of the same coin, and not a dimes worth of difference between them when it really comes down to it.

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Yeah Fuck Elaine Masky I said a long time ago he is a fake and weirdo and a FAGGOTT, never to be trusted and nobody wanted to Listen, Also be careful of that RAZORFAG he wears make up and did an commercial for erectile dysfunction and all that know who hate him he is a closet FAGGOT and Undead Chronic has information on him also FUCK StyxHexonhammer as well he is a skinny closet FAGGOTT as well that got Cucked and now getting Divorced raped well good fuck all them FAGGOTTS, ELAINE, MAKEUP WEARING NO BALLS FAG AND SKINNY TEA LOVING IDIOT FAG. \G/

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KEEPER 8 months ago

well good thing is i normally don't listen to those guys, i just ran into this video at random and that women brought up a lot of information i already know about but she explained some things that i didn't know about, i'm not a twitter or X user and after hearing this i will never trust Elon or his platform, the other story she shares about that other site where they got hacked and was right about them stealing people's info is crazy, i remember at the time i wanted to use that site and they required me to use my phone number, and i did give it to them, however i was using a number that kept me anonymous and they didn't accept the number for this reason alone and i'm glad it didn't work, these people are wolf's in sheep's clothing, and will attempt at any tactic on unsuspecting people with this nonsense to extract information, part of me believes they "Quote hacked their own site" and only pretended it was from outside source just so they could steal all of these people's date.

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@KEEPER: Yep Exactly thats why I dont bother with any business that say check out our information or website details on "Shitter" aka Twitter. Com fuck ELAINE MASKY and Fuck all those FAGGOTTS deceiving everyone.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: man at this point i don't trust websites that offer or force the user to provide their phone number, but soon they will likely try to force into law a online ID, shit is getting crazy and it's of our own volition, we just don't realize it yet, but our decisions are leading to our own slavery for these assholes.

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@KEEPER: You And me Both Brother problem is all the SIMPS AND FAGS AND WHORES that don't care and fuck it up for the rest of us that are smart and telling them hey don't be a slave yet they don't care as long as they get their attention fix. Fuck em let em burn and we will control those data scumbags and make them pay

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Their time and games are up

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: so it just makes me think about the whole pornhub ban in states like utah, but the ban involved to protecting of minors, well people can still view that site, but the issue is now you have to provide the website with your identity to view the site, so ok good job they got the children off of the site, but they pretty much prevented all other users from wanting to use the site in the same breath, because nobody want's their perversions to be public knowledge and that was the whole point of not having your real name used online, it kept the user safe, but now it more than likely could be used against that person because now they have your viewing information, but who says they stop there with this idea? what if they do this across the board and go full on communist china style on our asses when it comes to online activity? like this kind of idea never ends, and guess who was in favor of this stupid decision? the faction of the republican mormons because they are against evil things to the point where they will allow evil to gain control over their own agency, further enslaving themselves and their children. that's how stupid they are when they try to push anything in the political space, they make things far worse.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

so it's not even about porn reaching the minors anymore, it's about slavery.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

or in other words, literal mark of the beast direction, and this is what they are causing by making these dumbass decisions. something they have been ingrained via the bible they were taught all their life on and they still make such a stupid decision bringing this idea about.

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Councilof1 8 months ago

Elon is a trustafarian. I don't trust anyone born with a trust fund. In my opinion Elon will do what's best for his bottom line. The Elon fanboys make me laugh.

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Yeah Fuck Elaine Masky he is a closet Transformer in disguise

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KEEPER 8 months ago

he had me going there for a bit i will admit, but because i was lazy and never made a twitter account i never joined, but man his actions really speak a lot louder than his words, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing no doubt about that now.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

i also didn't get on the other website they mentioned, the funny thing is i tried to get on that site, but they wouldn't accept my phone number because the number i use is anonymous it's essentially a free service i use just to have a phone to use it runs off of wifi. but now i know that's literally how they obtain your identity, so it's good that they didn't accept my number or couldn't. your number is tied to your ID because you pay for that service through your credit card or debit card. they are even trying to force this biometric shit in video games and rightfully people are fighting it.

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@KEEPER: Good brother keep it that way keep as much anonymous as possible don't give them fucking anything even though they can get it easily nowadays any way they want still doesn't mean you can't make it somewhat harder for them rather than make it easy for them. Fuck them all data and backstabbing FAGGOTT thieves

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