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Yes Amr - Don't pet the bears - they want to eat you.

Published on 30 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

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This is Amr's video:

Tour Of Rescued Brown Bears In Rasnov Romania

But there was another video where he was near a wild bear on a road in the forest.
Or was that in a video I posted to him about bears being incredibly dangerous - like they kill wild pigs and moose and shit....

This is pathologicalimbicile's video, "Darwin Awards - Bears" .


"Oh god... don't fuck with the bears".....

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sbseed 5 months ago


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Yeah the cop shoves him - "Time to run off - not climb down!" - Thank fuck the BEAR did not make it...

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Reminds me of the joke, "There were three hikers in the woods and they came across the sign "Danger Man Eating Bears", so two of the guys sat down and tied up their shoe laces... and the third guy said, "What is the point in doing that - everyone knows that a bear can out run any man?" And the other two replied, "We only have to out run you."...... This video - is a case in point... "What happened to the Sherrif?" "I could run faster than him".....

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sbseed 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: also, what idiot uses a stick/broom to try to chase off a bear... basically a twig to the bear, all you are going to do is annoy it.

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@sbseed: I think they were trying to use the stick to give them a long reach, so they could lassoo the bear around the neck with the rope. And the bear didn't stay down there on the ground, it decided to come up and try to eat whoever it could catch... OR once lassoo'd the pole was to keep the bear well away from them.... It's a frightening moment - have you seen pathologicalimbicile, and his darwin awards bears video..... Bears - Darwin awards https://www.mgtow.tv/v/kalrP2 ----- "Oh god... don't fuck with the bears".....

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sbseed 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: lasso a bear, LMAO!!!! the stupid disease is truly impressive.

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@sbseed: Naaa you watch the guy second from the right, as the men come into view, as the bear is heading up towards the roof..... He bolts and he has a loop for the neck set up, and the rest of the rope is in some tight carry loop, and then there is a slack lloop to allow for a free throw / catching the bear move with the lassoo. ----- watch this from 10 minutes onwards...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzFPy0_FjAk

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@sbseed: Maybe they were counting on getting the bear in the noose while they were up on the roof and maybe tying the noose to a towbar and leading the bear out of the house....

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sauger1001 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Knowing you'd probably have no problem finding the video where a bear tried to open a gate, and got "punched" in his testicles for his trouble. While writhing in pain, that may have been the best opportunity to get the noose around his neck. LMAO!

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sbseed 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: and what good would lassoing a bear be... you would get dragged into the meat grinder that is the bears claws and teeth... like i said the stupid disease, you cannot hope to try to wrangle a bear with a rope...

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sbseed 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: also you cannot hope to out-climb a bear as well for that matter, specially when considering black or sloth bears... not many places you hide from a bear.

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@sbseed: Naaaa tie the other end of the rope to the cars tow bar and drag it away.... it will come...

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sauger1001 5 months ago

Apparently, either no one has a firearm, or this is a state run by women.

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Lesbian Feminists from Sweden looking for some black cock...

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sauger1001 5 months ago

Apparently the Swedish women want to be gang raped while only pretending to complain. The men are either cucked, accepting of this crap, or they vote with their feet saying: "Fvck this sh!t, I'm out." Sir Yeetus

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Leader_Desslok 5 months ago

@sauger1001: it was disturbing that not even the cop was armed . he at least could have brought a 12 gauge with deer slugs .

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sbseed 5 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: correct, there are only two ways to take down a bear, a properly prepared dart from a dart gun or with a proper calibre to stop it, have to shoot it in the heart though most bullets cannot penetrate the skull.

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@sbseed: Noooooo you bring the bear to BIBLE STUDY. Don't you know anything? Daniel and the Lions Den.... Here take your King James in one hand and over to the bear you go.... Bible Study....

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sbseed 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: lol

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@sbseed: - I shit you not... This is pathologicalimbicile's video, "Darwin Awards - Bears" . https://www.mgtow.tv/v/kalrP2

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@sbseed: Did you see pathologicalimbicile's video? And what happened to the guy who was playing the lute? Oh fuck no......

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@Leader_Desslok: Did you see pathologicalimbicile's video? And what happened to the guy who was playing the lute? Oh fuck no......

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Did you see pathologicalimbicile's video? And what happened to the guy who was playing the lute? Oh fuck no......

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