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Yet Another One Got Caught

Published on 04 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation
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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

Sex with minors who are also their students.. during a formative time of life.. breaking the rules and law.. flaunting the rules and law, can put a young person on the wrong side of things and perhaps end them up in prison.. Teachers should get MORE time than some random adult having sex with minors.. preying on minors for sex.. they should do MORE time than jonny pervert... It is like a double crime.. They are teaching students to break the law.. and maybe it should be against the law for the student also.. huhh, how about that one ay

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mrghoster 5 months ago

You rarely hear about MALE sexual predictors now, just the femon's I guess it is just another MALE trait femon's take after now, ever noticed everything Male they do take on in the name of equality is always the Bad Boy Trait's?

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

this IS actually a very important topic.. One that has not been figured out yet. by law enforcement.. make no mistake , she IS a criminal.. and what they do is wrong.. There is no relationship.. it is not an affair.. It is an unbalanced opportunist type thing.. I went to school with a kid who was a stupid ass hole.. He became a cop and then was killed by his fellow patrolman ,, while sneaking out of the other man's house in the am during a marital separation.. .. So he got what he deserved.. which was a life ending bullet.. Then the cop who was betrayed was sent to prison for life.. The woman? scot free.. The teachers having relations with students are breaching the public trust for certain.. The nly reason these people are in proximity of our children is to teach them.. and they are paid for such thing.. I have thought about the teacher student thing though , and the way to stop it.,, really is a cultural lifestyle thing, ,going back to the parents , and combined with a liberal culture.. They say spare the rod spoil the child, , but that is in play also with adult responsibility and consequence.. So one could say her parents failed her.. She has no decency.. My boss married a cleaning woman ,, today he told me she left him after work yesterday.. her greencard came through and she is divorcing him after a 14 months of marriage.,. She moved in with her brother,, whom my boss had gotten a job with the company and taught him our trade.. gee how about not aiding and assisting illegal aliens? they should not even be here.. So the woman needed to marry an American to be able to work here.. I don't know what craig was thinking.. but maybe trump will deport her.. she is another one.. thinks she is special.. she thinks that she will be living the life her customers live.. in the gated communities.. lol. .craig told me that.. now that she has her green card.. cant fix stupid.. well, you can enforce immigration.. send her right back where she came from.. Colombia..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

So as to these teacher student sexual predators,, the parents failed them. .and society is failing them also.. There are many ways this can go,, from serving time with the incarcerated male population ,, to a very real brutral beating with canes.. I think fear will have to come into play somehow.. lol.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

Maybe a serious sentence in prison. like 6 years..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago


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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

31 years ago , I taught this neighbor kid how to fly rc airplanes.. He is really the only one I helped like that.. I was taught by elmer gardiner,, and I taught this kid jarett.. So when jaret tand his father joined the club , the word was that this kid taught himself.. because he had a flight simulator and had the basics down. .lol.. buuut, I flew HIS plane for the first time and landed it over a dozen times.. His dad was pressuring him to land it himself. .. a little too soon but he made itr.. smart kid,., scared kid,, but then , arrogant kid.. took credit as having taught himself.. and is no issue for me.. lol.. anyways, my company hired this guy jarett, but when he was a kid he went by J.P.. plus I was told he was from fort myers not bomita wherer he is really from.. I worked around this guy for 3 months without knowing iut was the kid I taught to fly.. who arrogantly told everyone that hed taught himself to fly.. asnyways so I finally figured it out and googled the kids name.. FEDERAL MARSHALLS OFFICE!! . FBI!! He was prosecuted for being part of a pill mill operation and did 6.5 years in federal prison.. for fortging prescriptions to sell pills to the pulic.. OXYCODONE whis is synthetic heroin..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

So that kid I taught to fly 31 years ago ,, is now 45 years old.. He was semtenced to 6.5 years in federal prison.. and some law makes it a mandatory 85% of sentence.. so he did actual 5 years and like 8 months. at club fed.. He is stll arrogant and after getting to know him a bit and the thing about his record.. of selling prescription painkillers.. for profit. .I steer clear of him.. He works in the same neighborhood as me for the same company and I only speak to him if it is job related.. because he made it clear he is pro open border. so that closed the deal with me.. more of this inequality cloked as equality.. .pfft,, I guess i am not to the at the end of the day , , on this kind of stuff. .just locj their asses up. deport them. .lol..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

can't fix stupid.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

I even told the regional boss that I taught this guy jarett to fly model airplanes when he was 14.. THEN I find he is an ex-con.. for selling heroin..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

and ,so jarett is smart.. he is better than most of the tchs that have come through.. buut, I will not teach him anything else.. if I did he would be teaching all the beners anyway.. which is contrary to my goals.. contrary to my well being. in the future..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

and my boss who married an illegal alien.. who dumped him after 14 months of marriage once she got her green card and "freedom".. he is alone tonight .. lol. makes me wonder if he wasnt in on it to help her by marrying her.. in which case he should be prosecuted also.. well, Trump says we will see mass deportations in this copuntry like never seen before,, but there are many middle ground people who have NOT LEARNED what is right or wrong..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

America has been following an elitist principle , that the chinese are now rebuking. ,, by not supporting the US Dollar empire any longer.. and so in an effort to create new markets for china , they will develop the poorer south of the border territories they call global south.. send these foreigners back where they came from.. for starters.. cut wallstreet up into a billion pieces and flusth it down the toilet.. Give America BACK to the American people..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

You know,, they could have a one off day ,, where any man can get in line to have their way with these harlots who betray the public trust.. give them all the love affair they want.. lol.. anyone can get in on it.. line e'm up, pound that pussy raw.. after snipping their reproductive capacity.. of course,. . . hey,, how about making them serve the public.. send them to the prisons on weekends to satisfy the mens sexual NEEDS there..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

but they ARE creiminals and should be treated as such..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

Our government betrays the publkic trust.. so did my boss in marrying that spic woman.. the us govt went along with a money thing called bretton woods that helped create a US Empire.. using the dollar as the primary global money.. it has wallstreet written all over it. and london also..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

So what did wallstreet do with te money and goods powerthe world provided. .sell drugs to America's children.. put them living oin sidewalks while giving America away to foreigners..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

They call it something else though in public,, just like a child molester will call what they do , a love affair..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

I worked 13 hours yesterday. .lol.. ao I did what I could with it.. It is something I have not figured out yet.... 1. 6 years in prison.. 2. a serious public caning.. 3. gangbang day in the neighborhod. 4. gangbang day at the prison..

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 5 months ago

Its the oldest trick in the book

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 5 months ago

If the USA makes another mistake then it will be finished

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: finished? it will be fixed..We never needed the international empire.. that was london and wallstreet subverting the American people.. I hope we go isolationist.. nothing in nothing out.. money? who cares.. godam colonial mtr fkrs.. about to be done for good I think..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

before wallstreet took our factories to china.. we made everything.. and people made a stable living.. The international socalled trade which is imperialist colonialism, has ruined America for the people.. so America is dead inside.. but will be revived I am sure.. time for mass deportations..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

OUR freedom was bought up and offshored by wallstreet ,. TO CHINA! , so now they have it..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

and the stupid bastards running it all don't know what to do.. war war war ,, but that will fail.. when you are in the wrong best to just go home..

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bigintol03 5 months ago

She'll be out in 6 months!

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James1225 5 months ago

Light sentence, another landwhale escaped the just harpooning….males would be for the same offense most likely neutered. Lol. Peroni toasted….

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 5 months ago

Femons didn't just get this way overnight, they have always been terrible human beings, just now people are noticing it

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James1225 5 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: the only thing worse , the sausages dressed as police in the West.

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