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You Are Not Your Mother's Slave

Published on 12 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation
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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 1 year ago

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Both my parents were abusive, thankfully my mother killed my father to leave me with only one abusive parent. When I finally left the nest I realized how traumatized I was. The first night I couldn't sleep with my mind wondering when she would crash through the door and demand I return.

I really didn't get good sleep until I realized I didn't want her in my life. For all the abuse she put me through, the lies, the betrayals, and friend father fucking adultry; I wish her a long life of suffering the consequences of her choices.

And I go my own WAY!

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NeoGeoGamer 1 year ago

These demons do this because they know that their child has no other mother to compare them to. It's very hard to figure out that your mother is abusive, and it's easy to waver. We'd all like to have good families and good parents and to know them for life. But, when you have bad ones, it's a them problem, and there is nothing you can do to fix them. You have to cut them out.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Mental problems? We got asylumd for that...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

She's a woman, of course she's emotionally unstable!?

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