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You can't gaslight men, body count is the number one red flag in women

Published on 14 Dec 2022 / In People & Blogs

Australian 'loose legs' Jana Hocking says body count doesn't matter.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Joker, more than ten is way too many to pair bond... She might just be a nymphs where a good sex might be able to satiate her...

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Idk Joker. I met women, town bicycles from dysfunctional homes, one of which I remember her saying she absolutely did nit want to get married because I f her father, abusive? Perhaps, but women lie more than they breathe.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Well, yeah... pussy attracts pussy, but she forgot to mention the box wine.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 years ago

Never mind the cheating or risk of breakup, maybe i just don't want to kiss a mouth that's had other penises ejaculating into it. I wouldn't wear other men's soiled underwear. I wouldn't wash and use another man's discarded condom. Why would I want another man's woman? It's just foul.

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"My favourite Australian ding bat dating coach".
Some Australian women are on the ball - in a variety of ways.
But many are high conflict idiots who really do have shit for brains.
I am just surprised that you think so highly of her...

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