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You Can't Have It All...

Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

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By now virtually all know about the most recent drama surrounding Dr.Disrespect; he has engaged in somewhat questionable actions but much of that is just drama. What is more interesting is what might motivate someone with such a good life to throw it all away in an instant...

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WMHarrison94 2 days ago

Yeah, I don't trust Lame Stream Media on anything. Show me the evidence...

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KEEPER 2 days ago

this whole story with him, well let me just say this as a MGTOW, i also don't watch his content, it's something i have zero interest in so i have no idea what his content is about except that they involve games which it's suggested that he's going to run into minors either way, however i get the feeling that he didn't know this person was a minor prior to having these sexual conversations with.

because i have been in situations like this myself as an adult man, not knowing prior and only finding out after the fact is a very paramount thought that comes to mind when talking about this situation, now i know he acknowledged that this was a minor that he was speaking with, but did he know at the time was this premeditated or intentional on his part to chat with a minor, or did he find out later after the fact of talking with them.

so i'm willing to give him that benefit of the doubt on this case, but that also requires the release of this information of these chats between him and this supposed minor woman he was chatting with, i say supposed because there is some new information suggesting that it was some twitch staff who set him up, meaning the person wasn't a minor and was someone who was on the twitch staff trying to frame him and this story, not to mention the same guy who put out this story about the doc in his message was trying to get people to pay for his concert to also profit off of this situation but also to raise in his popularity for releasing this information, it comes off a bit deceptive that this was all planned.

but then there is the information about twitch and him going to court with them over this issue and how he was found not guilty having no wrongdoing and he won the case, so what the hell is going on here, is he guilty or not?

was this all a setup by that one dude who tried to profit off of this story and the twitch staff who worked there? was this person really a minor or was that also a lie? and why did he edit out minor after it was put in and then bring it back, why the hesitation? so what in the hell is going on here?

this is why people are still investigating this, because we still don't know a lot about these details we just know what we have heard and a lot of hearsay.

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WMHarrison94 2 days ago

Set up likely... 7 years ago it happened. The Quartering has the same stance as me and that is Lame Stream media lies show me the evidence otherwise, they are lying for the Court of Public Opinion, which is their only power and they can and should be sued.

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KEEPER 2 days ago

i haven't listened to thinking ape in years, but recently discovered another channel that sounds an awful lot like thinking ape on youtube called spell&shield, is this your channel or some other dude who sounds damn near just like you?

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KEEPER 2 days ago

i don't hear the difference in the voices, this has got to be you lol. i only just found that youtube channel and i love the topic of games.

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WMHarrison94 2 days ago

@KEEPER: I think he left MGTOW despite coining our phrase. I heard he has a girl friend and lives in Germany.

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KEEPER 2 days ago

@WMHarrison94: did you listen to this other video? is that him speaking, or am i just going crazy thinking they sound too similar? i haven't followed him since the very old days back when TFM was just starting on youtube.

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KEEPER 2 days ago

back then it was only thinking ape, and a few others and i think sandman, i'm not sure i would really have to think about that to remember the others i listened to. there was a mgtow jesus lol i listened to him for a bit.

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WMHarrison94 2 days ago

@KEEPER: I'll listen to it tonight... and yeah, I remember people talking about Spenas? A male nurse, Thinking Ape was Stardusky at the time and with Babarosa they coined MGTOW because like the MRA pr MRM they tried to have meet ups, but the "men" were too busy going their way... and they pissed slot of us off how they treated Sandman. I found Sandman from his CAFE video of Karen Straugn Girl Writes What, who was afraid for her sons... in this Feminist Dystopia.

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KEEPER 2 days ago

@WMHarrison94: crazy, i didn't even know she had kids, lol, i always figured she was kind of lesbian lol, but many of the ones you listed i listened to, i didn't show up within the MRA or MRM era's i was a little later, but i suppose you could say i was living the acronym to a degree without knowing it.

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WMHarrison94 2 days ago

@KEEPER: Oh yeah. Strange looks like a dike or feminists but attacks them because of her motherly love of her sons, two of them. Yeah, a lot of us are in that boat. TFM described it as "I was forming my own [survival] philosophy, but then MGTOW filled in the gaps I hadn't or hadn't noticed yet." That is like my generation as we watched whores destroy families and through the Family Courts drive their husbands to suicide. Sorry, former husbands. Guess animal husbandry is safer than whore marriages! So... what animal has a pussy like a woman's? ?

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clivemcd 1 day ago

@KEEPER - nice find - I listened to a few of the Spell & Shield vids and it has to be the same guy. Too many similarities beyond the voice to be someone else.

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KEEPER 24 hours ago

@clivemcd: yeah i just don't know, i wasn't a life time follower of thinking ape's content so i wouldn't know if he started another channel or not, but i gravitated to this kind of content because i like plying RPG video games, so i'm not the only one thinking this is him? but we still don't have a definitive answer if this is really him or just someone who sounds a lot like him. i mean it's possible after his whole MGTOW stuff he moved on and just went back to his hobbies, it's kind of what i personally have done, i mean i don't find myself watching much of TFM's content or even Popp's content even while on this very site, it's not that i don't like these content creators, nothing like that, it's just i decided to focus on my hobbies, i'm still going my own way, it's just i don't feel like i really need more MGTOW content anymore, i mean i might show up every once in a blue moon to listen in to the topics of some of these guys, but for the most part i have heard enough that i'm satisfied with what i have learned and just decided to pursue what i want instead. i was never really a content creator for anything regarding mgtow, but i like interacting with people and not always on just mgtow stuff either which explains why my uploads are random shit i'm into lol. i get tired of the same grind of mgtow content, i like exploring other topics if you know what i mean.

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clivemcd 23 hours ago

@KEEPER: Good for you man! Sounds like you have reached S tier MGTOW and are comfortable doing your thing. I have occasional simp tendencies so watch the vids to continuously force feed me some reality.

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KEEPER 23 hours ago

@clivemcd: that shit still happens to me from time to time too, but it's easy for me to get out of that mentality, but i used to constantly have to come back to content that gave me the refresher just like you describe it, my go to was sandman's content because it was usually short and sweet, and straight to the point.

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