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You Deserve It

Published on 19 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

As you were

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Remember Guy's - A femon cant get to you unless you let it!

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mrghoster 3 years ago

HUMANITY comes from within, - someone should tell the femon that. We are not called Hu - MAN Beings for nothing, after all we are not called Hu-WOMEN Beings are we? Femon's have lost just about every Virtue they ever had, Their inner Ugliness is present outwardly as well now. They actually as far as my life goes like that Fly that buzzes in on a hot day uninvited and you get that extra large can of bug spray out, and ENJOY the slaughter! lol! I kind of do the same with femons but replace the bug spray with "INDIFFERENCE", like seeing a femon at the roadside broken down, be that mechanically or MENTALLY, I'll just drive past these day's, more likely MENTALLY! lol!

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mrghoster 3 years ago

This is Modern Warfare. Femon against the MALE. Instead of we MEN doing out to slaughter other MEN or be slaughtered by other MEN, the warfare is now Psychological, a war of mind's. Those MEN who have walked away are winning this way, those that don't are to be collateral damage. But remember the femon is only APPEARING to win because they are to DUMB to see they are being used politically more than any alpha male could of used them? In fact in this psychological WAR the femon is it's own worst enemy and they just cant see it. There will come a time probably way in the future when the femon will want the MAN back as their only ally. but It wount be in my lifetime and any REAL MAN wont fall for the femon lies anytime soon. Femon's have to repair themselves before they can even approach us MEN. The Trust, the PAIR BONDING, the honor and belief is gone completely. I'm blessed with old age so it's not my problem, I'm like one of those old guy's that used to walk round with a Sandwich Board with "The end is Nih" painted on it! lol!

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Mr_Sluggo 3 years ago

Bitches aint loyal....PERIOD!!!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Never have been

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Bagoodman 3 years ago

(INFO #9 BAN) Gentlemen There Back ! The BAN goes On .Tanimbd, bestpickproducts, - Are The most Recent - We Must not Allow This thing to happen ! They get a finger in then a FIST ! THE BAN GOES ON .

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