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Published on 24 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

Kerosene sparingly if you must. Not gasoline. In Taranto, Italy, a bonfire exploded on Saturday, causing injuries to several people, including children. According to local authorities, the bonfire was constructed improperly, leading to the unexpected explosion.
No kidding ? Who would have thunk it ?


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bigintol03 2 years ago

Been there done that...I use Diesel now! lol

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TheRedKnight 2 years ago

.....oh my

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If you want to demolish a building - any building on the cheap and fast, measure the internal volume of the air inside it, calculate the weight of it and then mix in by weight, 1 part of fuel to 14 parts of air - using such liquid or gas fuels as kerosene, turpentine, petrol / gasolene, methane, propane, butane etc., as a super fine spray and mix the vapour and air up using a few fans that are already running - and then from a very long way away, ignite it... and POW! the whole building it turned into dust, rubble and splinters. Look up Images - gas leak - explosion - houses == ---- -------!/fileImage/h

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The magic is in the maths..... say the ignition only develops 3 pounds of pressure per square inch, or 1.3Kg per 2.5 cm2. Well to upscale this, to square yards (3 feet by 3 feet) or per square meter (3'2"2) If a wall is 10 meters long by 3 meters high, that is 30 square meters,.... when an air fuel blast is ignited, that is 1600 pounds of force per square meter of wall - or 50,000 pounds of slow thrusting pressure initially exerted against the entire wall... BOOM! - the whole house is blasted into splinters and rubble.... (diy conversions)

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Councilof1 2 years ago

Imagine that gasoline fumes are explosive. Paper and cooking oil is safer. Works great for starting fire's. Not a pyro just grew up with a wood burning stove for heating.

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There are all sorts of obscure tables and facts - to do with molecular formulations and mixing ratios.... air to fuel. I am informed that turpentine (mineral - oil based paint thinning and cleaning up) - when dissolved in air at the same oxygen to carbon / hydrogen ratios - is significantly more of an explosive force than fuel (petrol gasolene) and everything else.... Diesel is an absolute fuck to light - I design furnace injectors... It has to be sprayed into a fairly hot preheated to ignite it - or a still hot furnace... basically unless it's in a significant ignition soource you have have a fog of atomised diesel spray, and it will not light... But turpentine - mineral - is sort of much easier to light, and it's when people go using it as a thinner and to wash their brushes, and they do it in an an enclosed space, like painting the isnide of a big room with the thinned oil paint and then stop to wash their brushes and light up a cigaretter or there is a pilot light close by and "Fucking Whambo!" - goes the house...... I think it's got to do with the hydrogen to carbon ratio - that hydrogen in a bound up molecule - tends to set the speed of the combustion, but the carbon gives a lot more heat within the combustion, and mineral turpentine has the right ratios at ambient temperatures, to be easy enough to ignite as a vapour in sufficient concentration, but heavy enough (lots of carbon) so it gives off enormous amounts of heat, compared to methane (natural gas) or petrol spills / vapour...... - The issues chemically - are a bit more complex than what one would intially think.....

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Firelighters - be it a little vege oil soaked rag or wad of paper etc., simply extends to burn time of the igniter for the fire.... But jesus fuck - there is a video of some guy almost going into orbit when he tipped a bucket of petrol over a lit BBQ..... and there is that kid who threw a whole large pressure pack of spray paint into a slow combustion stove / heater in a workshop.... I tend to use what ever is handy and only in tiny amounts and only in consideration of all the circumstances.... You know - cold and wet and travelling on a motorbike in the desert at night - and you go from wet with rain to a clean night sky and freezing - a 1/4 cup of fuel from the tank in a container used to help light the wet kindling and leaves - with the bike parked well away or upwind as a wind break... it's either freeze and die or warm up... But people who tip a cup of petrol in to a pot belly stove and then toss in a match afterwards.... a stove and flue full of vapour = "Ka-Pow!" Fuck that...

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