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you have 3 to 5 years left and I cant wait fuck everyone

Published on 23 Aug 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣you have 3 to 5 years left and I cant wait fuck everyone

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Sir_666 4 years ago

I too have heard other well Credentialed Medical professionals elsewhere also state similar >> that all CV-19 Vaccines once injected , lowers the Immune System as well as likely can Activate the Immune system to Overreact in a Lethal manner to what would be have been considered Harmless infections, Colds, Seasonal flu Viruses ...etc, that now potentially could be Deadly to a COVID vaxxed person.

That is also a crude description of the medical term known as >> the " Cytokine Storm " that many Accredited Immunologists, Virologists, Doctors, ..etc, since during 2020 have been slowly Emerging & Voicing their concerns of this happening at Epidemic proportions Globally once enough people get the CV-19 vaccine.

Furthermore, accordingly, every time a person gets a CV-19 Vaccine injection it weakens their Immune System each time further. Hence why some people did not react Noticeably or die of its complications until the 2nd dose. However, some people do react after the first dose due to perhaps Existing or underlying Conditions, genetic biochemistry, ...etc.

Incidentally, there is now also talk of the CV-19 Vaccine becoming an Annual booster. More Fun times in Clown world are are clearly coming ; buckle up Spanky. ヅ

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buddd 4 years ago

By the way, my fat ex girlfriend took the jab I hope her fat ass dies hahahahaha

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Gonzo Og
Gonzo Og 4 years ago

Mine too lol

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buddd 4 years ago

@Gonzo17ab: Hell yes brother!

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buddd 4 years ago

Anyone dumb enough to jab their children shouldn't be having children to begin with. That said, I can't wait for the mass deaths. I hope this is even bigger than the black plague. All these fools who took the vax gonna get toe tagged. Hell yeah.

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Adam_Reith 4 years ago

Well... let the trash take itself out, I guess ?‍ (I'm sorry for the children with retarded parents)

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