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You Will Never Find Good Women In The West


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Published on 06 Dec 2021 / In People & Blogs


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MigTaoBrony 3 years ago

This man is ON POINT!

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Armour 3 years ago

Wow man this is a great video with great lessons, specially minute 11:10

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sirte1965 3 years ago

I would never go to another country for a woman's sake, or for the sake of finding one. Women are all the same to me. I never lived in a rich country, and most people I ever met were women. They will be nice to you if you have a U.S. passport and a nice car. But they cannot see the size of my bank account nor do they know how much real estate I own - so they always assume I am poor because I don't drive a car and I like saving money. However, I have met two Americans in my travels who got married to Ukrainian women. One of them was broke and had a criminal court case against him - married to a girl whose parents owned several properties in Europe. Another one was from New England Brahmins and he married a girl from East Ukraine. What did they have that both women craved? American citizenship. I would advice not to waste time on "Eastern" women, they are scumbags like any other but they know how to throw a facade.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

America won't be the same, sooner than you think. We will suffer soon enough (blue states already are). Everyone (feminists included) will reap what we've sown. In spite of that, those who choose to "Keep His Commandments", and obey the Doctrines of the Almighty, will be spared. America (along with the UK) is a nation blessed by God (Gen. 48:19; 49:22-26). The E.U. (King of the North) will be used to punish America, along with more droughts, wildfires, floods, and extreme weather. No one who continually disobeys the Creator, will escape His Wrath (Jer. 30).

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sauger1001 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I agree also, there won't be a "rapture", which is a horsesh!t doctrine, and not even in the Scriptures. I would also submit to you that those "christians" collaborating with (((jews))) aren't christians (true Christians obey God's Word, not the horsesh!t spewed by most [99%] churches today), but probably catholics and her harlot "protestant" daughters. JMO.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Lol. They will die, just like the rest of us, and end up in the same dirt to which we will all return.

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