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Vice City flashbacks.
Hmmm... did this AI programmer talk to my ex sexperiments and sexual trysts? In the nineties, I had a goal: Fuck some of the local feminist leaders and make them purr like the pussies, the kittens they're supposed to be. Rhen dump them ghostlighting them; hey, it was what women did before most men caught on to it. They said they wanted equality, so... Only problem, they were mostly ugly as fuck... I mean female ogres were likely more sexy! Thank The Gods (El and Ashereh) I did not! Metoo was just around the corner: Though all it did was expose the Left as they projected on the Right Conservatives what they were doing; their confessions I call it. Though, after giving up sex for decade or two, uhm muscular atrophy kicked in... Still, larger than average though barely...