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Youtube SCREWS Count Dankula, Bearing & TheQuartering Then Laughs In Our Face!

Published on 31 May 2024 / In Entertainment

this is so frustrating

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Bagoodman 8 months ago

I been saying EVERYONE Should leave ScrooTube For Years !

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Toki 8 months ago

While productive working men lose their jobs in real life nobody notices or cares. When unemployed Gluttonous Sloths online lose monetization we are supposed to care why? How is this a bad thing again the economy is tanking because adult men aren't working thanks to online grifting. I expect this behavior from women because they are mentally children and Jeremy here pays to house and feed one. You know Jeremy you could eat less and drop the leech you're married to. That way you won't need money so urgently. Aren't you making a killing on that overpriced coffee and other annoying unskippable ads anyways? Plus your family welfare checks from Daddy Gov.
Next you're going to make another video about immigration while you refuse to join any workforce. You want immigrants in your area to deliver your Doordash McD's second breakfast and a Starbucks.
Yes I know Susan and corpo management is terrible. But you are attempting to be one as well. A life of luxury and zero productive contributions to other men out there. You expect employed adult men to give you money which is hilarious. Sadly some are NPCs and fall for this online welfare state gimmick.
Stop uploading to YT.

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Drums_McBashington 8 months ago

...and tomorrow you'll post a video there.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Fuck Jew Tube. Uhm, Election year Jeremy... plus the AI scanned it... so it was "watched" or reviewed just not by humans... and "Phleb, shit up Phleb... you're lucky we didn't cancel you." You know the CIA and other Federal Agencies control most social media: It's why everybody is leaving them... Fuck them.

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Yes Jew Tube and they are controlled by the Cunts In Action etc.. which is why everyone is leaving them" ---------- There was SO many brilliant people aing SO much brilliant content - And fucking Jew Tube just fucked with them and fucked them over and ruined them / deleted their accoounts / content etc... and there is NOT so much brilliant content that is GONE forever.. Like there was THREE really good videos at 480p ???? that went for 15 minutes each, on the manual construction of the HUGE wind tunnel for full sized aircraft, that were made from wood ---- these were fucking incredible...... and I saved copies of them, and when I went back to find them on Jew Tube - the cunts have cut them back to 3 x 2 1/2 minute videos at 240p.... WHY? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTONzTs53VI https://www.ar15.com/media/med....iaFiles/64912/6C6424

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Structural Integrity of Wind Tunnel Wooden Fan Blades -- https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/cita....tions/19910013276/do

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: ---------- Video unavailable This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

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And in that photo - it's sort of easy to miss, is a regular guy standing at the bottom of the wind tunnel next to the propellor blade....

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I think they made 3 of these giant propellers... and looking at the picture it appears that each propeller is mounted one behind the other in the tunnel, and I will look it up on the manufacturing videos that I have, to see what their pitch's are...... because each propellor has it's OWN huge electric motor..... and there might be a lot more to this wind tunnel than first thought. simplisticly putting the issue - The first propellor with a 20* degree pitch, pulls in the air, and sort of ejects it at 200 miles an hour, the second propellor with a 40* degree pitch, draws in the air at 200 miles an hour, and ejects it at 400 miles an hour, the second propellor with a 60* degree pitch, draws in the air at 400 miles an hour, and ejects it at 600 miles an hour. This is a representative idea... Of staging... But if the air is going out the back at 600 mph, then it must also be going in the front at 600 mph... Would you be ever so kind as to look this up and to find out exactly how this wind tunnel worked? I have seen full scale WW2 fighter planed being tested in it...

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: hmmm... 600 mph wind, would that be enough to get you off? Off the ground? LOL...

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@WMHarrison94: Well the simple idea of 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 has relevancy. BUT people far smarter than me with lots of experience, gave this entire issue a great deal of thought on the "big picture" purpose, as well as all the details... Ummm in aircraft that have one motor with a propeller at each end or 2 engines - one pulling and the rear pushing, both engines are turning at their optimum speed, but the issue of how that compounding propeller and the different pitches etc., I am a bit vague on it.... But it has resulted by design, in the fastest piston engine propellor driven aircraft in the world..... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dornier_Do_335 https://upload.wikimedia.org/w....ikipedia/commons/b/b

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@WMHarrison94: The origins of the Do 335 trace back to World War I when Claude Dornier designed a number of flying boats featuring remotely driven propellers and later, due to problems with the drive shafts, tandem engines. Tandem engines were used on most of the multi-engine Dornier flying boats that followed, including the highly successful Do J Wal and the gigantic Do X. The remote propeller drive, intended to eliminate parasitic drag from the engine entirely, was tried in the innovative but unsuccessful Do 14, and elongated, tubular drive shafts as later used in the Do 335 saw use in the rear engines of the four-engined, twinned tandem-layout Do 26 flying boat. There are many advantages to this design over the more traditional system of placing one engine on each wing, the most important being power from two engines with the frontal area (and thus drag) of a single-engine design, allowing for higher performance.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: bro... I was joking. I can math: I took calculus physics for my chemistry degrees...

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Toki 8 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Shane is another obese manchild online asking for money just like Jeremy. He blocked me for calling him out. How petty. I only block channels here if their videos are not wanted in my main page. I don't block over opinions that's immature as F.

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Thanks to Jew Tube - they have driven away enormous amounts of really great content creators and they have removed enormous amounts of really brilliant content.

Jew Tube can go fuck themselves - they have given me shit loads of bullshit trouble, and I handed it back and beat them over the head with it.....

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