Zion Don and His Sneaky Whispering Jew Buddies - See my pinned comment.
Published on 08 Oct 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Blood Clot Death Shot Trump - "We JEWS made Trillions while PEOPLE die in the Billions".
I hate them all.... for being sneaky and sly.... watching that kike on the left - People who can stand there - with a sensitive microphone very close by, who can whisper very very quietly - so that their voice travels like a thread, out of their mouths and into the ear of the recipient, and they cannot be heard in a silent room, by anyone else, from a few meters away - THAT is a sly and sneaky person with plenty to say and lots to hide - and they get lots of practice....
ONLY other sly arseholes accept and go along with this kind of shit.
Zion Don is a charade and a deceiver - I mean honest people don't keep the company of underhanded cunts like these.
Donald Trump does.