ZOG-BOT TRAITORS launch raids following Genocide Stopping incidents - news-com-au
Published on 11 Mar 2025 / In
Film & Animation
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So nice to see the traitors to the nation at work.
Welcome to Stalins Soviet Union - and his Bolshevick JEW Buddies.
Who are they, what did they alledgedly do, and the JEWS - are they pissing themselves with excitment at their totalitarian rule, via their communist puppets.
Funny how the JEW owned MEDIA just happen to be in attendance, at the JEW owned Political Commisars arresting dissidents.
should get these assholes information and put of flyers about these terrorists with badges...
this is why you should never give up your guns...
search warrant is not an arrest warrant...
scum is as scum does...
I'll put money on the community shooting the zog-bots on their own front door steps.
"Ambush? What ambush? I didn't see nothing".
Israel is a Bolshevik Jew Satellite State of the Soviet Union.
Back to genociding the people of Palestine and calling everyone who says it's wrong - terrorists.