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❤❤❤❤❤❤Hero mode❤❤❤❤❤❤

Published on 20 Feb 2021 / In Film & Animation


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Awesome music.....

I denounce the jews, because it's a bullshit hate cult......

Not because I actually hate the people....

To cheat and copy paste......

"The Jews" - they are not magical special people - they are just shit bag monkeys - just like the rest of us.

It's just a 3100 year old cult.

Althought the internet has kind of ruined the longer attention spans amongst us, follow this slowly and meticiulously - as it covers ALL of the major hit points on how all this religious crap came about. It's done in a way, so as to produce a fact based case, and it's done in a way, so as to provide the necessary information, for those who have never explored the issues, without being excessively long.

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SpaceJew 4 years ago

I have a great theory on them.. Leaning twards. Why we havemt or dont just stawmp them into the dirty.... Its strange we havent.. We could eaaily.... But unfortunatly we truely are gentle cattle.. Its sucks and i hate it... But its true

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@SpaceJew: Yeah roll out the golden calf, and shove Moses the fucktard tour guide (40 years to walk 120 - 150 Km), and all his nazi arse lickers and their fucktard diety down the big hole in the dirt.

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It also annoys me that Moses, the fucktard tour guide, well on a map, it's around 120 - 150Km from Egypt to Palestien / Syria. That at a decent long distance walking speed is around 3 to 5 days walking, along well established routes and roads..... How come the dense cunt and his fictitious diety, took 40 years to do a 4 day trip? Moses = Moron.

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And how come ALL the stupid cunts, in ALL of the churches, in ALL of the Mosques, and in ALL of the other religious institutions - never look at a MAP of the Egypt / Syrian area, and put 2 and 2 together and say, "This is fucking bullshit - Moses is a fucking IDIOT!"

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And what in the fuck is HOLY and INTELLIGENT about a diety and it's head scam artist, walking around in a circle for 40 fucking years, "OH fuck me, I swear to the jew god, that all these sand dunes and rocks and shit, all look familiar. I am sure we have been here before like some 50,000 times.... " You mean NO ONE doing that bullshit trip EVER cottoned on to the fact that they were just walking around in a circle for 40 years, when it was 3 or 4 days walk from A to B? Yes I burned my bible.... Feed me fucking bullshit

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SpaceJew 4 years ago

Ur of the few Ubermenach. Unfooled by the kikery lies

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@SpaceJew: The OLD testament, the Torah, the first 6 or 8 books, out of the first 11, are substantially, or in part, word for work copies of the bylaws of Babylon. AND the old testament revolves around fear, intimidation, murder, war, genocide and making eveyone toe the line under penalty of death.... "Hey Hitler, I have this most excellent book, you ought to read it" - that is what a fucking cunts act of a "Holey" bit of inspiration it is.

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