ענת לופז שכל החיים תזכרי מה עשיתי בשבילך!!!-G1gZxoxvdaQ
Published on 04 Jul 2022 / In
Film & Animation
ענת לופז שכל החיים תזכרי מה עשיתי בשבילך!!!
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I tried the Youtube with subtitles and could not copy them out...
But this was just viewing them, not uploading and converting them.... (POSSIBLE DIFFERENCE)
However there are screen / video capturing programs - that can copy the video and the sound of a region of the screen - I am assuming you use Windows - I don't know what is available for that operating system, I use Linux.
You can upload them, add subtitles, copy the files off and then reupload them to MGTOW TV - with english subtitles.
ALSO if your processing is a bit limited, you can slow down the play rate of the videos, to say 1/4 speed, and then record them like that, and then play convert them at 4 x the speed to make them normal speed again - and then upload them.