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Published on 28 Jan 2022 / In Film & Animation

Trudeau and his kind, are quite happy to wipe out our lives, our jobs, our homes, our economy, to destroy our communities, and our health and to kill us and our children - turn this fucker into road jam.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Maybe the idiot should've let go. Was this one of Trudeau's goons, or just another nigger causing trouble, then paying the price? Wish I knew the rest of the story, but as a driver, if you try to entrap me, or I feel my life is threatened by some niggers (I'm black btw), I'm not going out like Reginald Denny during the Rodney King riots. You're going with me down the road (unless you let go, Lol), and I'll deal with any legal remedies later, once I know longer feel threatened by these young entitled niggers.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Hopefully some of these kids now know this isn't a fvcking game out here.

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It was when the Antifa / BLM rioters were running rampant, and one of the fucking cunts was in front of the first trailers wheels, either trying to saboutage the brake lines to lock the truck up, or to break into the trailer to rob it, along with the other shit head criminals, And by being concealed within the body of the truck, and immediately in front of the wheels, when the driver decided that he didn't want to be dragged out of his truck, to be robbed, beaten and killed, so when he took off, the idiot concealed from view within the body of the truck, started to get the wheels running over their legs and they may have been caught on something and or hanging on for life, while the wheels used their legs as banana skins along the road...... Given how many people he has killed and will continue to kill, from the global depopulation, blood clot death shots, and all the suffering he and all his traitor comrades have caused, I think Trudeau and Company, deserve very horrific slow executions. Just saying.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

Um...who got dragged?

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It was when the Antifa / BLM rioters were running rampant, and one of the fucking cunts was in front of the first trailers wheels, either trying to saboutage the brake lines to lock the truck up, or to break into the trailer to rob it, along with the other shit head criminals, And by being concealed within the body of the truck, and immediately in front of the wheels, when the driver decided that he didn't want to be dragged out of his truck, to be robbed, beaten and killed, so when he took off, the idiot concealed from view within the body of the truck, started to get the wheels running over their legs and they may have been caught on something and or hanging on for life, while the wheels used their legs as banana skins along the road...... Given how many people he has killed and will continue to kill, from the global depopulation, blood clot death shots, and all the suffering he and all his traitor comrades have caused, I think Trudeau and Company, deserve very horrific slow executions. Just saying.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Amen brother...now that I know that it was an antifag cunt under the semi's tires I feel pretty good about the situation, if the cocksucker is dead, good, if he's a drooling vegetable that'll spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair...even better!!!

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bigintol03 3 years ago

Why am I not surprised that antifag is there...someone needs to start gunning these modern day brown shirts down with impunity!

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@bigintol03: Naa I think the grip gave way eventually, and under the wheels they went. --- https://outragedpatriot.com/ga....ng-of-protesters-vs- ---

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bigintol03 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Let's hope so!

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