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▶ WHY MEN GO TO THAILAND.. - [ PART 1 ] - "HILARIOUS": https://www.mgtow.tv/v/Ognm1l
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▶ WHY MEN GO TO THAILAND.. " HILARIOUS " - [ PART 1 ] : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/Ognm1l
Came back cause I wanted to point out the reality of the dude losing his house to his thai wife.
The person is almost always a baby boomer blue pilled cuck type. He’s not that rich in the west, he’s really old, he puts all of his money into this one house… That’s why he doesn’t have extra money once the house is gone to not be homeless. He picks low quality low value women much younger than him. And in many cases he’s an alcoholic or treats them like shit. So eventually it’s best for the woman to take the house that he bought her. Brafaults law Still applies here. When there’s no more juice to squeeze out of this guy of course she gets rid of him. His fault, 100%, for making terrible life decisions
Here’s what I would do, the only way I would consider living full-time in Thailand and Marrying one…
You set up a Thai corporation. Foreigners can do that. They can’t own land. They can own buildings. You separate the villa from the land. Now you have two entities. You own the villa outright in your name. You have a lawyer you find, not your wife or her family, and you structure the land ownership at 49% you, 26% thai wife, 25% tie lawyer. 51% thai ownership is legal, you eliminate the wife and the lawyer fucking you alone. And if they do team up, you just burn the villa to the the fucking ground. And you never sell your house in the west. You rent it out so you can always move home.
Most of these dudes literally just buy a little quality woman a house in cash with all of their resources. I just can’t explain how stupid that is and how that’s their own fault that they end up homeless in Thailand… Naïve. You would never do that to a woman in the West, just give her a house and hope for the best, why would you think it would be different in Thailand?
Excellent video. I love Thailand. Gonna go back soon. But I’m skeptical of living there full-time. Bad air. Not just in the big cities. That burning season in the North made my eyes and my nose bleed. Literally everyone is out to get you. Mostly just a few extra dollars. But it makes it seem dark after a while knowing that everyone just looks at you as a Mark. Super low quality food. I end up mostly buying quality meat from the “Whole Foods“ in emporium in bkk. Also, I grew up in the desert, I’ve had lived in the tropics for a year before I visited Thailand… And I was not prepared for that heat. I’ve heard the rain season sucks too. I always visit in winter time.
I don’t know, lovely place, but it feels like I can only stay for a couple months at a time. I also wouldn’t trust marrying one. I had a situation in Vietnam were a woman lied to me about being married. Highly illegal to sleep with a married woman. Very uncomfortable few days before I left. Female nature is female nature and the east is slowly catching up to the west. One or two generations and it will be no different. Earth is just kind of a mess right now great video though the fat dude on the luggage carrier it was hilarious
A man needs no more than beautifull beaches, muay thai and hot whores, great job man and greetings from Brazil.
I'm going to be completely honest here: I cut my self off from women before MGTOW/The Red Pill was a "thing", but I've never seen so mamy men look genuinely happy to be with a woman in my life. Maybe Thailand would be a good choice for me.
Doggk, you are a master of your craft, champ. Peace and blessings.
Thank you so so much. Much love from south africa