Male Suicide???

My thoughts on male suiced
Now once at the age to go to school the government seeking to remove that independence & natural need that males have to see how far they can force their will on the world. The public schools have removed more competitive activities such as dodge ball, nor male focused sports activity that allows the male students to play against their fellow males without holding back as they would when playing against their female classmates, in an effort to soften & remove that masculinity maturing males that would breed independence rather than dependence which the government thrives on. Also in not having sports to release their competitive drive, that built up energy in the male students leads to them being drugged by the true gateway to drugs their school pharmacy. That claims that they are ADHD, troubled because they are bored of just sitting at a desk in the school & less obedient than their female counterpart which I could go into more details on why but that's for a separate essay.
Here it goes once it has been detected that a women is pregnant with a male/boy you are a target from the very womb. See Im going to touch up quick on history, in 1920 men with power supported & pressured the government to give women the right to vote in the United States which is a huge moment in history. Now what those men who supported it didn't realize was the fact that the government left a major loophole that would target & destroy the balance between men & women leading to the very destruction of stability of the family. See when women were given the right to vote the government didn't close the loop whole, what I mean by that is that the government didn't make it illegal to not equalize the vote between men & women. As in it should be illegal to count more votes on either sexes sides, as in both the votes from men & women should be limited to reach an equal vote. As in if there are more women voting then men it should be limited to the number of men that voted not allowing a majority vote based on the sexes that voted the most.
By not fixing the loophole where there isn't a limitation based on the sexes when it comes to voting all the government has to do is appeal to one sex to maintain its power. See the government knowing that the majority of casualties of war are men, as well as overall casualties in society in general due to the fact that men work in the most high-risk jobs. The government can always count on the female vote & only has to appeal to women in the long run to obtain the votes necessary to maintain power. Basically, until voting is limited by the sexes instead of just the numbers. To simplify it if 100,000 men voted & 150,000 women voted only 100,000 votes should be counted to make it fair among the sexes.
Now that's out of the way back to male suicide, see as soon as a boy is discovered in the womb the government automatically has to dominate that boy, that's why as soon as a boy is born he is circumcised without having a say in it, now if it's for religious reasons I understand that comes with the religious process but when it's not its just the government dominating a boy as it should not be legal without a boy being of age 18 to give consent. Now, what's next well upon being born not know by the male baby that private prisons make the majority of their profits from males, that the family court makes the majority of its profit from child support at over 90% from males, that alimony is paid at 90% of the time from males. See the government, prisons, & the family court are lined up for your failure as an adult male.
Now once at the age to go to school the government seeking to remove that independence & natural need that males have to see how far they can force their will on the world. The public schools have removed more competitive activities such as dodge ball, nor male focused sports activity that allows the male students to play against their fellow males without holding back as they would when playing against their female classmates, in an effort to soften & remove that masculinity maturing a males that would breed independence rather than dependence which the government thrives on. Also in not having sports to release their competitive drive, that built up energy in the male students leads to them being drugged by the true gateway to drugs their school pharmacy. That claims that they are ADHD, troubled because they are bored of just sitting at a desk in the school & less obedient than their female counterpart which I could go into more details on why but that's for a separate essay.
Prescribed drugs that will make the male student more obedient & submissive like their female counterparts as the male student ages their consistent use of drugs become their state of normal, once graduated from school & into the real world the male as an adult starts using stronger drugs to cope & exist in what is considered normal. This leads to them becoming at a higher risk of becoming drug addicts & prisoners. Also pushed upon the male is sex changes as the right of passage into manhood, as this would further remove the masculinity that drives him & raise the dependency on the government to be recognized & obtain support See the government hates the fact that a male naturally seeks to depend on itself rather than it, so to go further the government has removed the role a man can play within his child's life.
See the democrats started an operation before the 50s at a time the black community in America was the most married & family orientated group in America to break the influence of the father on his children & family. See the Democrats at the time seeking to further strengthen the dependency on the government offered the mother aid in turn for the removal of the father, so the family could be raised & shaped by the will of the government. What do they call it welfare, I mean a friend of mine told me that during 2000 when he fell on some hard times that the government only offered to help his family so long as he wasn't there think about that instead of helping the father out to ensure that the family is still together, the government would only help once the father wasn't present. Now, this lead to the rise of the democratic dream the single mother household, at first those that were white that supported it only saw it as a way to damage the black community, what they didn't understand was that this was only the testing ground to remove all fathers from being around their children & as a father would mean that the government wasn't what they were depending on.
See the democrats started an operation before the 50s at a time the black community in America was the most married & family orientated group in America to break the influence of the father on his children & family. See the Democrats at the time seeking to further strengthen the dependency on the government offered the mother aid in turn for the removal of the father, so the family could be raised & shaped by the will of the government. What do they call it welfare, I mean a friend of mine told me that during 2000 when he fell on some hard times that the government only offered to help his family so long as he wasn't there think about that instead of helping the father out to ensure that the family is still together, the government would only help once the father wasn't present. Now, this lead to the rise of the democratic dream the single mother household, at first those that were white that supported it only saw it as a way to damage the black community, what they didn't understand was that this was only the testing ground to remove all fathers from being around their children & as a father would mean that the government wasn't what they were depending on.
The honest truth is this & why male suicide is on the rise as a male your a target to be eliminated, imprisoned, & sacrificed by the family court. See a community lead by strong father figures has less crime, & needs less police & government intervention. Your role as a strong man is seen as an act against government dependency. This is why you feel suicidal because your role as a man in this society is seen as a negative. Now there is a positive now that you know that you're a target you can live your life for yourself, & build a strong bond with those that respect your manhood, & most importantly understand that your suicidal because a lot of it was planned to turn you as such for your very role as a man threatens the dependency that the government so desperately is willing to sacrifice for. Also if you are in a position where you truly need help reach out to those close to you that are positive, & if needed go get some professional help with a close friend to just encase there is a hint that you think they are making your mental health even worse & attempting to make more of a profit than to aid you.
Hopefully, this promotes some conversation about male suicide
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