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We as MGTOWs have the capability and Resources to Make the artificial womb possible. Lets Actually Do It.

the article is about our future in this world

Over the last 19 years since the begineening of MGTOW the amount of MGTOWs have grown and so has the resource amount of said mgtows and by resources i mean money time and energy. Over the timespan since the creation of MGTOW up until today technological improvement and societal changes have been happening which now allow for the creation of the artificial womb. According to most scientists we have to wait about 10-20 years for the artificial womb and there are a few problems 

1. Scientists follow ethical code and work with the goverment this means artificial wombs will only be allowed to be made by specific companies and only for couples thats not ideal for us so we need to make our own and faster

2. Goverment will prohibit "homemade" use and manufactering of this technology by single men because that will fee us from women a solution would be to ignore it and work in secrecy until we establish our own goverments 

3. Potential Supply and Export/Import Restrictions Knowing goverment and its eventual increase in control over markets this will happen and we need to fight it

Despite the problems we still have a bright future. If we MGTOWs Co-ordinate and save some of our money time and energy for this endevour and if we train other mgtows on how to do science we can build a homemade artificial womb and thus bypass women and we can maintain black markets for sale of such reproductive products.

We can even go faster than the scientists if we work togherther thats why unity in mgtow is required to be able to do this. For our plan to work we need every MGTOW Involved in this process and we need incentives for said MGTOWs we need to combine and pool all of our resources and work toghether and co-ordinate we can set up mgtow work unions to help with the making of the artificial womb. We cannot sit around and do nothing while women try to impose upon us a female matriarchal order and we cannot simply wait for a scientist with goverment permit to make the machine.We need to do it so that we can secure a future for Males. We already have the resources and the skill sets since 90% of the time men invented stuff. We have the resources to do this so what the hell are we waiting for lets start doing this now.



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