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Publicado en 23 Feb 2025 / En Viajes y Eventos

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Doggk 1 mes hace  



▶▶⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣WOMAN FREAKS OUT IN A BAR HITS SECURITY GUARD WITH A BEER BOTTLE.. (THAILAND) : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/J49pgk
▶ DRUNK TOURIST FIRST DAY IN PATTAYA.. (PATTAYA, THAILAND) >> CRAZY ! MUST SEE !! ^^ : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/RDir6d

▶▶ THE THAILAND BLUES.. (THAILAND) >> THAILAND CHANGED MY LIFE !! >> MUST SEE !! : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/XD9ZZ5

▶ [+16] WOMAN SHOOTS HER HUSBAND FOR ABUSING HER.. (THAILAND) : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/R4G2MU


▶ WHY MEN GO TO THAILAND - [ PART 1 ] << HILARIOUS >> : ⁣https://www.mgtow.tv/v/Ognm1l
⁣▶ WHY MEN GO TO THAILAND - [ PART 2 ] >> TOP VIDEO OF 2023 !! : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/ioOnF2
⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ WHY MEN GO TO THAILAND.. [ PART 3 ] >> BEST VIDEO OF THE YEAR !!! : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/li5HMq

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 mes hace

She was freelancing probably no medical card either, never leave a femon you don't know around money or valuables especially in Pattaya

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Doggk 30 días hace

I realized I met one of the best girls in Pattaya.. She told me everything !! Even if I already knew that I shouldn't go for beach hookers.. But she told me so much things !! EVERY chick I brought in my condo in Thailand never stole me shit.. Laptop, money, wallet exposed.. At any moment they could steal me but didn't.. Hotel security is a must !! I woke up next morning and most of them were cleaning my room, but I do admit that I was the one waking up first most of the time, and go to sleep when they are going to sleep.... You gotta be prepared and red pilled to go to Thailand.. Thailand is not made for everybody.. Especially these days..

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 30 días hace

@Doggk: I never had anything stolen from any femon I was with, but it does happen. Lke I said I went with a femon on beach road I spent the day with her, and took her back to my hotel that night. It just the luck of the draw and being aware that it could happen with any of them, after all they are still femons

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Doggk 29 días hace

@SoloMan Zone: You have to spend some time learn about her before you bring her to your condo. Just select the right ones.. And sometimes its best to go with the ones who like you.. The experience is better, sex is better etc.. Found one in Pattaya who found me first lol during the New years eve .. She hit on me in LK metro not far from Harrys Bar.. She told me later that she worked in Harrys bar and saw me there drinking.. And wanted to get to know me, because she found me cute !.. She was fine, petite, with big boobs and a fine ass.. Cute af ! I couldn't resist and accepted.. And since that night she became my regular.. She gave me so much advices.. Never took a dime.. Only thing she did was wearing my stuff when she was in my condo.. Just fun moments ! Understood my way of being, thinking etc.. I gotta see her back in September.. I miss her ^^

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 29 días hace

@Doggk: What do you think she's doing while your away

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Doggk 29 días hace

@SoloMan Zone: Probably the same with another dude.. And man I went also with other girls.. So I don't mind.. I see it differently now.. I'm not in love don't get me wrong.. But its just some type of friendship with special benefits.. The Girlfriend Experience.. That's what I was more looking for.. a Quickie is not my thing. We just enjoyed each others presence, sometimes we had sex sometimes not.. We shared expenses.. You gotta accept that she might see other dudes, she did accept and told me upfront that she knew I might see other chicks.. And I could see and feel she didn't have sex for some time when we had our first night.. I have a long experience with women.. So I'm not a newbie when it comes to things like that.. And we both communicated about it and so many stuff.. We clicked.. and that's it.. I know there's no chance we both start a serious relationship.. She already has a son.. I don't wanna be part of that.. There are lots of options in Thailand.. Pattaya is not really the place to find serious stuff.. But it may happen !

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 29 días hace

@Doggk: Pattaya is a great place but not for long term relationships, neeed to go to a place in Issan or even Chiang Mai

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Doggk 29 días hace

@SoloMan Zone: I didn't really liked Chiang Mai that much.. I loved the road to Chiang Rai !! Really interesting landscapes.. But lost 2 days because I was sick.. Went for a haircut.. I was not far from Chiang Mai train station.. But did a lot the next 3 days .. I didn't enjoy myself like in Bangkok or Pattaya.. Issaan might be interesting.. Udon Thani, Khon Ken ? Need your advices for Issan ^^

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 29 días hace

@Doggk: Pattaya and Bangkok are exciting but they are not really Thailand, once you have had your fill of those place and sounds like you haven't yet, you see them for what they are. They are a fantasy places and if you have enough money then you can have fun but you will get nothing lasting. Chaing Mai for me had enough things a bout but was laid back, I stayed in Chaing Mai and when I went to Pattaya for a few days I hated it as I saw the place for what it was. Issan noth east Thailand is what thai life is and its not bars and clubs, Did you know that a lot of Thai men have minor wife (thats a piece on the side while having a normal wife and kids) quite common and the real knows about but excepts it. I would suggest that you get Pattaya and Bangkok done so you've had enough then think about where else to go because anywhere else in Thailand will seem boring to you until you finished the fantasy

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Doggk 29 días hace

@SoloMan Zone: I wanted to head for a few days to hua hin (looks more the kind of place I like to hang around). Phuket also but the fact that its too touristic full of westeners, pulls me back.. I don't know.. Pattaya and Bangkok can get you bored after a while yup, but made good friends there. So Its more enjoyable.. Maybe surin for the elephants, khon kaen, udon thani.. But don't really know what there's to do there.. Chiang Mai is way too touristic for me.. too much westeners for me.. That put me off.. That's why I didn't want to go to Krabi, surat thani etc..

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 29 días hace

@Doggk: Make a loose plan and as long as you have money they play it by ear, do what you feel at the time when you get there

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Doggk 29 días hace

@SoloMan Zone: Hmm.. might be a good plan but expensive especially now.. The baht is getting stronger.. First time I just didn't count hahaha.. But I needed it.. Hasseling over prices all the time is annoying and fucks your first experience up.. Tipping might save your ass man.. I got my lost phone back because I tipped every tuk tuk or taxi ! Bar girls etc.. I just wanted to experience it the first time with no limits, I like to help people out, Jedi nature I guess.. But im wise dont get me wrong.. I know how to save money.. First trip was a Discovery.. Next trip in September is going to be an immersion, nostalgia and much cheaper.. I like to be prepared and have like safehouses ( survival / military mentality).. But I surely will when I'll be in Thailand Long term..

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 29 días hace

@Doggk: You can get any hotel that will let you pay monthly and your water and electric will be on top, so if you use the air con it will cost a lot, I used some fans I bought instead, eating Thai fod is cheaper but eating from outside stall is dodgy as all Thais are born with a bug in their stomachs that can deal with the bacteria but you have got that, Leo beer or Singha are cheaper, and getting use to rice 3 or 4 times a day is cheaper. I personally got sick of rice myself

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Doggk 29 días hace

@SoloMan Zone: I prefer to eat dishes without rice.. Like meat and vegetables only.. Because of the sugar rice contains. I didn't have many problems with the food and digestion.. 1 to 4 times only.. but it was MSG for me.. Leo is good.. signha too light.. But in my daily life now I don't drink that much anymore.. So when I drink, I like strong stuff like SangSom ^^ Cheaper also..

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 29 días hace

@Doggk: How are you getting on with the language, it tonal if you go up at the end or down one word came mean two completely different things

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Doggk 29 días hace

@SoloMan Zone: Translation app.. But I do speak some Thai now.. + I do speak 5 languages.. so intonations or accents is something I can handle quickly..

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WMHarrison94 1 mes hace

Oh man... Thighland looking like it's more dangerous now... Guess one should not go there alone: Sad part is I would have gone alone.

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Toki 1 mes hace

"Prostitution is illegal in Thailand, " he says. Hilarious. I guess everyone is homo then? You are either a strong male of any income level who gets women for free because you aren't the typical modern simp. However the majority of men are paying for their company in some way or another.
Or the fact strip clubs are a form of prostitution. Or a simple honest dinner date is still one-sided prostitution. In some cases men are the rent-a-partner. This is how nearly all male/female relationships work. Other than random drunk hookups where both are simply willing to smash without typical human selfish goals short term or long term. Or if humans were reduced to one man and one woman alive.

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Doggk 1 mes hace

I paid also.. But got my freebies as well.. If the girl you are having an afair with is sexually and emotionnaly satisfied, she won't ask for a dime man.. I paid first time and then nothing.. Only food, drinks, trips.. In Thailand men pay for women.. Sometimes women pay too so don't worry for that.. I found relationships far more natural than in Europe.. You just have to find the right ones.. I choose girls who wanna be with me.. I don't force girls.. So if we both like each other and have our own agreements, what is the problem.. We didn't kill anyone, didn't harm anyone,.. We both enjoyed the sex, cuddles and each other presence.. Thailand changed me I guess.. I don't see prostitution as a bad thing anymore.. Only some types of prostitution.. Like quickies in bars or brothels.. Not my thing.. I'm more into the GF experience.. And guess what.. we still talk to each other.. I became friend with some of them.. And they are way better female friends than the dragons we have in the west.. Thailand is not only an eye opener.. It's a life lesson not to miss and to learn about as quickly as possible !

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WMHarrison94 1 mes hace

Yeah, but that unselfish drunk drunk hook up only happens at Frat house parties.

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Doggk 1 mes hace

@WMHarrison94: not in thailand ^^

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Toki 1 mes hace

@Doggk: I don't like the idea of paying someone money to be a "friend." That's called a con artist. Hey that's an insult to dragons. Dragons are an anime thing such as dragon maids.

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Toki 1 mes hace

@WMHarrison94: Drunk hookups can happen anytime anywhere really. That's why I don't drink. You lose your superior male IQ.

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Doggk 1 mes hace

@Toki: Hahahaha you litteraly do the same with your plastic dolls.. please don't be ridiculous..

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Toki 1 mes hace

@Doggk: I don't pay for sexdolls. I expect the true product quality to be garbage because it's a modern product built to fall apart. I pirate Honey Select for waifu harem. So the harem is free. As well as other waifu programs. But still if one does buy a sexdoll it's still better than being conned by real humans. Because real humans are backstabbing selfish animals.

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Toki 1 mes hace

This is what I was warning you about Doggk. Thing is I expect this as the common result of being a tourist in their country. Not just women either. Anyone. Crafty children in poverty will pull a fast one on you. That's how they survive.
Also consider how much he spent to travel with taxes and everything. I want the airline and hotel labor workers to get paid well for sure. But the taxes and inflated prices to benefit business suit corpos and big investors are the crooks. They don't have anything to do with providing a service to the customer. Considering how much this guy got robbed for by one person. It's nothing compared to his inflated travel costs, food prices, etc. While at the same time the woman who stole from him gets welfare checks. Not sure about Thailand but in most countries.

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Doggk 1 mes hace

Every woman I brought into my condo behaved.. No one stole me anything.. Just one girl who emptied my fridge but it was ok I didn't mind.. We smoked and drank.. If someone is hungry I give, I just dont care.. Generosity thats it.. Thai people were kind to me and returned it back to them.. The guy in the video is a dumbass.. He did all the things you shouldn't do there.. First of all, Why did he take 700 euros in cash in Pattaya, Why would you bring a woman / hooker you barely spoke to, to your actual hotel / condo ? Why would you take a woman from the beach ? He wasn't prepared at all !! The woman who stole him, wouldn't sell her ass on the beach and wouldn't be on the beach if she wasnt a thief.. + Welfare is only for 3 months in Thailand, after that you are on your own.. So that's why people do all kind of stuff to earn their living.. They are hard working.. A Thai Girlfriend explained me how everything works there.. I took girls from mainly normal bars and some from gogo bars.. Some from dating apps.. And it went well, only one I got into an argument with.. But that's it.. I didn't change girls like some would.. I had my regulars.. And yup you gotta be careful because some females there are experts to manipulate, steal you.. But many Thai people don't steal.. They prefer to scam you with prices.. Man inflated prices are for the moment a real problem in Europe and America.. In Thailand you still can enjoy life.. Yeah I know Thai people are somehow getting exploited with their low wages.. But I don't think this is going to last much longer.. Bro just visit it.. No need to go to Soi 6 if its not your thing.. There are many other things to discover..

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Toki 1 mes hace

@Doggk: So you used you for free food. What a freeloader. Generosity = You are being used for being a nice guy. A man gets no respect for being generous and no one is generous to men. So F the world. Thailand can pay me to visit because to me it's not fun compared to playing video games at home and having waifus around instead of whores selling their used cum dumpsters. Would you buy a pre-used sexdoll or pocket sleeve toy? The foreign women can pay a fortune to travel to my country and grovel on their knees begging for my dick. Still I would refuse because that's all they have to offer. I don't put pussy on a pedestal. I remove it from the pedestal and throw it in the trash bin where it belongs.

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Doggk 1 mes hace

@Toki: For food that barely cost 5 euros in total.. You call that getting used for free food ?.. Man you sound hurt as fuck.. I was generous and generosity has been given to me by Thai Women and Men as well !!.. If you never give why do you expect to receive ? Man you can't compare video games to Thailand.. Its totally different.. But if you enjoy that and get off on such a life.. I cannot really help you, especially if you don't wanna get out your comfort zone.. Or maybe deeply scared and thats why you're on your defensive when the subject of females comes on the table.. You live in a fantasy world bro because you feel safe in that space.. Deeply.. You're scared to be hurt.. And man everyone goes through that in life.. The sooner you get over it and learn how to outsmart stuff like that, the stronger you will become (mentally).. You'll also start enjoying life differently.. I feel so much depression, deception, fear, lack of self trust in what you just stated.. No disrespect only solidarity / life advices.. You are missing life (especially if you are young), you're destroying your life.. And you'll realize and regret it later.. Man you can't be that stingy in life.. Have you never paid a pint to your friends ? Or even a girlfriend ? Has anyone ever offered you something out of generosity ? Men put their dicks in all kind of holes.. What would women say about that ? You can always find females with low to no body counts ! Pre used sex doll is more like already used shoes.. But man don't compare objects to living beings.. That's where your main problem is.. I don't put pussy on a pedestal either.. Not worth it at all.. But sometimes I like having feminine presence in life.. It's healthy to be around attractive women.. There's that invisible exchange of energies that help you have a good balance in your hormone / testosterone levels.. I understand now why plastic dolls become a better option for you.. And that's sad.. Same trauma as TFM.. Y'all not stupid at all but just don't wanna confront a problem because of your open wounds.. Much courage ! May the force be with you.. https://i.pinimg.com/originals..../30/91/a2/3091a2c037

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Toki 1 mes hace

@Doggk: @Doggk: If you are buying her food then yes it's females using males for free food. Followed by free shelter and climate control. Yes everyone has betrayed me other than men who are complete celibate monks. I already lived the party life and I'm middle-aged now. It's fine. I got tired of people and being someone I wasn't. The real me just wants to be alone and always has been.

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Toki 1 mes hace

Women are succubi feeding off your male energy and semen. Being around them turns males into selfish assholes. Basically being around women turns males into women. No I never bought women anything. They always gave me free sex because I'm cute and they want me instead as their side guy to cheat on their secret boyfriend/husband I find out about later. That's why I went celibate a long time ago. You truly can not find women with low to zero body counts. What!? Waifus yes they are pure and wholesome. Did Jesus lie with women? Of course not he knew that Satan created the human female.

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Toki 1 mes hace

@Doggk: On the plus side Kathleen Kennedy apparently lost her LucasFilm corporate role recently. I know you like Star Wars. See I would rather play classic modded Battlefront 2 than travel and spend a ton of money when I really just want to game at home. Without worrying about being arrested for going outside because I'm guilty of everything being male in a woman's modern world across most of the globe. I wouldn't travel to Islam countries the last bastion of male parenting and monogamy over squirrel-brained womens. Because I'm not Arab. In an Arab country this women would have been found or at least an effort would take place. It wouldn't even happen because she's grounded by her husband so she's not out causing chaos. What if Thai women for some reason had control of Star Wars properties? Other than acting roles and VA roles.

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Toki 1 mes hace

@Doggk: Have you heard of Black Lagoon by the way? It's anime but not the stereotypical cute style. It's in Thailand with a Grand Theft Auto universe/setting of sorts.

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