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نشرت في 15 Nov 2024 / في السفر والأحداث

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Doggk منذ 4 الشهور  


▶ MODERN ART.. [ INSANITY IN ALL ITS BEAUTY ! DON'T MISS IT !! - PART 1 : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/SLmiIr



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WMHarrison94 منذ 4 الشهور

I find it interesting that only the old women are noticing the hairy puss spinning around on her ass. Damn, must have smelled liked a fish market in there.

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Menwalkaway منذ 4 الشهور



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Bagoodman منذ 4 الشهور

Hay Dogg - The painting at 2:35 Is one of the strangest things that Ever happened to me ! A few years ago my uncle passed and left me his Paint stuff - So I Painted a picture (THAT PICTURE at 2:35) I never had seen the picture before and painted what was in my mind the only thing that was different is I added a water Silo tower . A few years latter I saw the painting in a Movie ! It freeked me out ! My mind just can't figure out how a thing like that could happen But it Did - It brings to mind the saying Truth is stranger then Fiction - Weird Huh. A mind bender .

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Doggk منذ 4 الشهور

It's some kind of " Déjà vu ".. It's long to explain but in short.. You've the ability of seeing the future.. In fact everyone does.. But you have to hit a level in spirituality to experience those.. People don't believe me when I say that I saw north west europe getting flooded with a big tsunami 10 to 15 meters water.. I've seen places 15 years before in my dream before they became exactly like in my dreams 15 years later.. Which is insane ! Have seen things i've dreamt about like years ago happening in front of my eyes.. Don't freak out it's normal.. Means you're connected to the Force or that you've had here and there strong connections and that's how you'll notice it.. That's how I define it.. God=The force.. I came to a point where I can feel / see through people / stuff.. But I don't always follow that instinct.. Because I'm still learning how to handle that on a daily basis.. I've seen also abnormal stuff in my life.. Spirits, a black ghost / warlock / witch spirit, a big australian spider next to me on the wall and then it disapeared (under weed & alcohol), All these things mean something.. I knew with the time that I was under attacks from someone I knew but hated.. And found out it was a witch.. And one day I stumbled on that person doing spells, radomly and did a noice.. She turned.. I Looked her in the eyes with a Denzel Washingtons face and said you're in trouble.. and went away.. 1 week later the witchs entire plumbing system blew up in her house.. Then people started to go against her for like years.. Her son became a tranny... And I couldn't believe my eyes.. Then realized that my cat was the one who turned all her attacks against her.. Because cats are spiritual guardians.. They can travel to the dimensions and see what we not always can see.. Just keep studying the subject and you'll find out why.. You're the only who knows better why I happened to you.. https://y.yarn.co/0e4b0b6f-2ef....2-4632-906e-8b676a79

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Bagoodman منذ 4 الشهور

@Doggk: One other super strange thing happened to me in physics it's called the multiverse - I got out of the shower and went to put my PJ's away . These were just pants they were a gift only sold at the Portland Trail Blazers store - Any way - I went to put them in the drawer and there was a pair in there !?? There is NO WAY I had 2 pair ! The ones in the drawer were too big and stretched out like a 300 Lb Man wore them - I still have both pares - Where did the other pare come from ? I think someone in a parallel Dimension is missing there's. Lol

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Mr_Sluggo منذ 4 الشهور

Now that is some serious shrubbery going on downstairs. Ay Carumba!

She's mighty lucky some horny simp didn't take her up on her offer.

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mrghoster منذ 4 الشهور

As at the end it shows MEN are the true Artist's, not some CUNT on a coffee table.

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