21,000 Fires a Year! China’s Often Self-Igniting EVs & EBs Become Ubiquitous ‘Moving Bombs’
27 Vues
Publié le 23 Mar 2024 / Dans
Film et animation
The truth about China's EV bikes and scooters after bannibg motorcycles from cities. right to the point where they are trying to fob the WEST of with these leathal death traps, but we ain't buying! Interesting short doc.
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Did you know with EV's well cars anyway, If a fault charger of a charging point catches fire YOU cannot pull the plug. It is magnetically sealed in the socket to stop it being tampered with, this applies I believe to ALL EV's? so if the car or the charger starts to smoke, Your EV is FUCKED from the off! lol! Let's remember this EV shit is I believe some form of stop gap either to do away with cars by law or to introduce something they may have in the sidelines to make really big bucks out of the plebs? Just saying and I don't have a tin foil hat in sight either! lol! I also SUSPECT the planet or plain is in some sort of indused Psychosis at present that has been created, if NOT, them we are really FUCKED! lol!
Fuck these electric cars, they are total DEATH TRAPS!!!
I am glad that they are pointing out that from the first puff, pop or spark... it's like seconds until you have your own scale model Saturn 5 launching into orbit.......
Jesus - these things are frightening.
Tesla and the like:
The Appropriate Insult:
No EV's....
RBV - Cause "Rechargable Battery Vehicle" - just fucking grates...