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50 Year Old Women Are NOT On Most Men's Menu.

130 vistas
Publicado en 23 Jan 2025 / En Personas y blogs

The WALL remains UNDEFEATED ladies!!
Search "16 Reasons Why Women Over 50 No Longer Want to Date."

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Toki 2 meses hace

IDK man Tsunade really does it for me. Not sure if that counts though because eternal goddess status as waifu.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 meses hace

[googles Tsunade] [notices her huge "BUDGETS"] Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well

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Toki 2 meses hace

@Dutch Cobbler: Thank God. Too many meatbag 3D whamen fanboys out here. Yeah Tsunade is apparently 50-something. There's her friend Mei Terumi who is also a hot older waifu. She's only 31 though. Not like it matters for waifus. Mei looks mature and older. A redhead perfect blend of white woman and Asian woman in one package. The best of the best is waifu halfu.

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@Toki: Yep if she wanted she could easily have given Hinata Run for her money and had Narutos Blonse Babies with those Sexy Big Milker Tits Yum Yum, your not wrong Eternal Goddess indeed however cant let hwr Drain my Mana I gotta drain her Milkers always otherwise I wont last as long with her haha ;) MEI TERUMI A REDHEAD YOU SAY POINT ME AND DUTCHY TO WHERE SHE IS WE WILL FIGHT OVER HER ANYDAY REDHEADS ARE BOTH ARE POSION AND GET THE MÖTÖR GOING, WAIFU LAIFU MEATBAGS ARE NOW MEATNAGS ALWAYS NAGGINGNAND WANTING SUM SHITE FROM YOU FUCK EM WAIFUS FOREVER \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 meses hace

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: @DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: If you think these meatbag women are nagging now... wait until waifu walking androids and womenless uterui pods are in full use for reproduction...

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 meses hace

@WMHarrison94: Women will become a novelty for tourists. As long as men don't fuck it up and give them more rights, gynoids could very well be the next great invention of mankind, saving civilization, education, the sciences, and culture, while women can hemorrhage, dwindle, and fade into obsolescence.

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Toki 2 meses hace

@WMHarrison94: Women will get angry when they can't ground anyone anymore. No kids either. You say wombs buy why? Do we need more mouths to eat? No. We need less humans occupying Earth space so the remaining can enjoy a higher quality of life. Most humans are ignorant trash who ground their children after a day at Gov concentration camp instead of homeschool and love them.

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WMHarrison94 2 meses hace

@Dutch Cobbler: Nah

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WMHarrison94 2 meses hace

@Dutch Cobbler: Nah. Women will go the way of the horses and be a richman's game, and they will put them in a barn, ie cat house. Because if you put them in the barn with the horses, they'd fuck the horses or suck them off atleast...Just saying. Everybody use to have horses, and their shit built up in the city on the streets and parks...Then, we went to leaded gasoline cars do we can crewate cancer but have less shitty roads. Women walking around in long dresses would bring literally that shit home and get their kids infected... thus gas poweered cars, bikes, and shortening up their dresses so they did not drag along the street.

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Toki 2 meses hace

@WMHarrison94: A rich man's game. But they will still want to lie with the more masculine poor man for free if he's fit and indifferent to her advances. Also why the anime procel always gets the women. He doesn't simp. Think Shield Hero who doesn't simp or act like a nice guy.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 meses hace

They won't learn, they can't learn. Women's liberation did them no favors, and as long as they have the right to choose for themselves, they will keep choosing to destroy themselves and everything around them. They cannot help it.

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Toki 2 meses hace

Welcome back Butters. Have you been grounded and therefore missing? It's been awhile.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 meses hace

@Toki: I've been around, but I'm also lurking on Rumble and Youtube.

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Toki 2 meses hace

@Dutch Cobbler: When you leave women behind and don't bother with it at all you become "Ungroundable."

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WMHarrison94 2 meses hace

Fuck er the Hell with the expired old broads, I'd take tjat sex doll with the cat ears...

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WMHarrison94 2 meses hace

True, but most of those 18 yo women are already on OnlyWhores and likely have been run through since they were 16 yo.

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WMHarrison94 2 meses hace

Shit, women over 50 don't have emotional baggage? Oh No, they got complete emotional mountain ranges...

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