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A Russian Diary: Life, Corruption, and Death in Putin's Russia (Anna Politkovskaya) #2

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Publié le 01 Nov 2024 / Dans Autre

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Toki 5 mois depuis

A journalist. So you're unemployed and unproductive basically.
A man who is an auto shop worker. Or deep sea fishermen = A hero worthy of respect who creates prosperity for himself and others. Instead of expecting to get a paycheck for simply having opinions and talking. Anyone can study, write, and talk. It's not a skill worth employment and payroll. It's doesn't put food on the table like the fisherman does. It doesn't keep gasoline stocked at your local fill up station. Oil workers (men) provide the oil, not women who get paid an income to talk/write.
There's your failing economy. It's that simple. You know what's superior to a female journalist? A housewife who maintains the home and raises her own children without relying on the community school babysitting service. The school system that does not produce competent loved adults. Women failing bigtime in modern society is what's causing all these problems. Or you choose the journalist "career" instead of pairing up with a long term male partner at all. Then your country becomes Muslim because migration. Because the Muslim men know how to parent women and keep them in line. Letting a woman be a journalist is equal to letting a five year old boy write a story on the front page news to influence society. But at the least the five year old boy would make a fun story most likely in a fantasy setting instead our depressing reality of "news."
"How women failed Russia." A Russia diary.
Apparently this woman was assassinated? OK does Russia have abortion clinics? If so then murder is totally legal. That's what women wanted. Free abortions so they can be whores. How many people were killed by Big Pharma? On the bright side the working class Russian men didn't have to pay taxes for your rent anymore Anna.
Also if you want to win the current war it's simple. Deport all the Russian women to Ukraine. Immediately the production and prosperity in Russia will skyrocket while Ukraine will fall to massive debts of welfarism. It's like the Trojan Horse tactic. Here's a gift. But really it's a weapon of mass destruction = the selfish entitlements women expect from society for free.
You should thanking Putin for his generous welfare state Annas who happen to live in Russia. Did you forget that if your Russian men invade Ukraine they get to steal their property which ends up back home for you. Their gold, farmlands, etc. This is what you wanted all you women out there.

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Toki 5 mois depuis

"Putin's Russia."
Or any other nation on the planet that has, had, or will have a Gov overlord of any types whatsoever. It's all just communism forced at gunpoint by goons in fancy uniforms.
"Putin's Russia" wouldn't be anything if men refused to join the military/police and enforce the tyranny of the nobility. You say Putin, but congratulate men who "serve their country." When they are truly desperate simps working for the Gov because it's the only way they get laid/validation from anyone. Leading to the fact that women are also guilty of "Putin's Russia" because women purposefully court military Gov men for the income and Gov benefits package. Also when the military man is deployed the woman can easily commit adultery. So it's not just Putin. It's anyone who supports a nobility class of Gov.
Without your servitude Putin would be a powerless homeless man who is too lazy to do any real work to earn a living. Same with my country and all the simps who serve Kamala/Trump/Biden/whoever. Same with today's communist China and N Korea. Not just the presidents or prime ministers either. I'm talking about all the state governors, congress, all of them are corrupt selfish evil creatures who control you like a Fallout NPC getting Speech-checked by their obvious lies. Similar to how how a labor union "supports the workers." No, no they do not. They tax the workers to live a higher class lifestyle than the men in the factory doing the actual tough dangerous work. Also workplace management are usually terrible as well. Gov, management, presidents = lazy narcissists who's only skill is manipulating low IQ people and the ruling class types excel at being useless consumers who produce nothing of value for others.
Women have the power to change this by refusing to whore themselves to politicians, police husbands, military men, etc. But the women want wealth, not good working men who have wholesome souls. That's your main problem. You know all the men who have abstained from women today? Japanese men, S Korean men, etc. These men will not join the Gov as an armed goon working like a gang mafia enforcing the taxation of communism.
I love how the author of this Anna. Yet she's complaining about her Russian prime minister who is taxing working men to benefit you Anna. The Gov welfare female who loves communism because it benefits you the most. Until it's unsustainable and then you have an issue with suddenly? Putin even lets women vote for F's sake. Not like the vote is real, but still the submissive ideology of it all is the problem. You still have beneficial family court in Russia so what are you complaining about Anna? '
The best part is Putin is the bad guy here? OK what about the Ukraine military and everything? They are the same entity. It's called tournament mating. Military men in team deathmatch reducing their own population so they can attain wealth to buy guess what? Women of course. Pussy access. Losers the lot of them. They should learn about Japanese men who are high IQ and choose abstinence for a better world. If women want to start wars to acquire more wealth and resources for themselves they can go fight them. Because that's what war is. Men invading other lands to steal wealth to bring back home to their lords, and the wife. Or they rape women during the war as well. After all they just killed the foreign men so what's a little rape to add to their list of sins? Don't forget to execute the foreign men's sons so they don't form a military later on to get revenge. While the military rounds up the foreign daughters for Epstein Island where Putin high-fives all the other country leaders. All the while they get to reduce their male population with war and poverty of taxation so Putin and Hunter Biden can collect more harem wives.
Women's empowerment in Russia would be a better title for this book. Women's Russia is probably just as awful as women's America. Or women's France where Muslims are and will continue to take the country by simple migration. Because the French men apparently can't tell women "No!" for a change. Now get back to the kitchen and be a housemaid. That's the type of woman I respect. Not opinionated women who make nonsense books about non-fiction. Completely missing the fact that you Anna are the problem. Everything Putin does he does for access to lots of different women as prostitutes. It's called being a simp. Only honest working men are trustworthy as friends in life. You want to fix Russia and the world? Simple. Stop being a whore for luxury lifestyle. Men who have high incomes are the corrupt ones most of the time. It's that easy. Thing is women care more about material things, credit cards for shopping, and Pride than the men they prostitute themselves to.

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