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Publicado em 05 Nov 2022 / Em Entretenimento

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Doggk 2 anos atrás  


⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ FATHER SELLS HIS DAUGHTER TO AN OLD MAN, FOR ~$ 2000 !!.. >> MUST SEE !! << (AFGHANISTAN) :

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ 9 YEAR OLD GIRL FORCED TO MARRY A 63 YEAR OLD MAN... (AFGHANISTAN) :
⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ WOMAN IS BRUTALLY PUNISHED... (AFGHANISTAN) :


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Mrod 2 anos atrás

The Taliban doesn't mess around. They're putting women back in the Kitchen and requiring them to get married and have children. They also now have one of the top militaries in the world thanks to the United States. The Afghan people will survive as the United States goes down the drain. I have no sympathy as we could've supported the Tajiks who were the actual good guys and defended their country against communism during the cold war (they were our allies during our conflict with the Soviet Union). Instead we turned our backs on them, created corrupt democratic elections through force, and created the very environment for the Taliban to gain power. This all could've been prevented. Ironically Taliban rule now is much better for the Afghan people than the alternative. They provide stability and support family and men as patriarchs.

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Pariah 2 anos atrás

I love 5:09, really wanna make a gif out of it lol. It really captures the whole "white people are silly". And it kinda reminded me of a small internet drama in my country, a Muslim girl converted to Buddhism, criticizes Islam on an 18 min vid. A rocker-turned internet imam angrily responded to her statements. His statement? Something similar to 5:09 there. (To be fair, the ex Muslim girl looked & sounded angry the entire vid, I wonder if she's actually mentally ill. She might made the whole thing up).

And yeah, this Muslim line of thinking also works in my country as well. Not all the time, but still. Your life can be very complicated once it happens.

I know a lot of people here dreams of Asian wife, just be careful of a girl pulling this on you. I want the radical American right wingers to ponder on this CNN scoop Doggk clipped for us here. Is that the future you want your daughters to live, once you have installed your ethnostate? And for the incels as well, is this the society you want? Sure, you got laid, your wife doesn't even love you. She serves you because the society demands her to fulfill her obligation. (And yes, lots of Asian society believes in obligations, we don't talk about it much, even less so to westerners. Yet for some reason, it is something the women who marries white men, expects white men to knows about it). I'm sorry to break it to you like this, your Asian princess still expects you to be her prince (notice I didn't say anything about being chivalric?).

Stay safe this winter.

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Pompousandfaggy 2 anos atrás

I want to sit in a hotel room in Saigon for two days waiting for a flight freaking out that I was going to spend the rest of my life in a communist prison because a woman lied to me about being buried in a country where it’s very legal to sleep with a woman who is married. Female nature is female nature. The Asian continent is great if you’re looking to be a playboy on a budget but not much more to me

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Pariah 2 anos atrás

@Pompousandfaggy: You can blame Hollywood, or hordes of sex tourists. It has become a widely-accepted belief, that white men are dumb & they can use you for your money. In my country, they call these type of white tourists "white buffalos". A buffalo generally means something along the line of "idiot" or "moron". So yeah, I always like to warn foreigners of this, eventhough some of them would rather dismiss it or even calls me a racist for it. Either way, just in case you decide to visit again. Best of luck to you.

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Pompousandfaggy 2 anos atrás

@Pariah: Agreed, what country are you in for a reference? I’m American agreed, what country are you in for reference? I’m American . My point Is that women are the same everywhere. I would definitely go to Southeast Asia again as well as the other places in Asia I’ve been but I wouldn’t go there expecting to find some kind of unicorn. Just the Playboy on a budget like I mentioned. Good day friend

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Pariah 2 anos atrás

@Pompousandfaggy: I live near Bangkok. Women around here are quite progressive, so the likelihood of being trapped by sex may be less likely, but that's all I can say.

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Pompousandfaggy 2 anos atrás

@Pariah: very cool, congrats. I went to bkk, chaing mai, and pai in 2018. Mixed feelings but I would go back for the food and soapies alone hahha. Do you speak thai? Seems like that would help

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profhugodegaris 2 anos atrás

the world average. There are about two dozen Arab countries, only one of them, Tunisia, is democratic. Whites have a low opinion of Arabs, seeing them as a "no can do" people. The above video situation, is indicative of the intellectually inferior level of Arabic/Islamic culture and reasoning, i.e. sneerable.

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Mrod 2 anos atrás

Africans are actually even dumber than 85 IQ in most regions. African Americans are around 85 IQ due to mixing with whites. Another thing of note is that the fastest growing economies are Botswana and Rwanda. It's not Democracy but Capitalism that makes them the fastest growing economies on the African continent.

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Mrod 2 anos atrás

The other thing is that middle easterners are actually Caucasian and therefore "white". The white label in many ways is utterly meaningless. Homogeneous Culture is more important than race. You want to be around people that align with your values not just someone you identify with just due to skin color (there are plenty of "white" dipshits out there).. The other thing is "white" people creating Democracy was the worst invention ever aside from communism. Democracy is not sustainable because you end up with the mob voting other people's money away.

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profhugodegaris 2 anos atrás

@Mrod: Yes, I knew that there are a billion black Africans with an average IQ of 70. The Australian aborigines are at 60, and the pygmies at 55. These numbers are taken from prof. Richard Lynn, the guy who built the World IQ Map and showed that there is a whopping correlation of 0.7 between the average IQ of a nation and its standard of living (GNP/person). Having lived 12 years in China, I hugely prefer to live in a democracy.

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Mrod 2 anos atrás

@profhugodegaris: Democracies are terrible because it leads towards huge welfare states and inevitable collapse followed by anarchy and often eventual dictatorship. Philosophers and past historians have warned about the dangers of democracy. Having a government based on meritocracy not mob rule is the best form of government and free market capitalism can create long-term prosperity. The United States was not a democracy for example and was never intended to be. The forefathers wanted people who could vote to have skin in the game and take responsibility in return for the vote. It was only until universal suffrage and Woodrow Wilson creating the "living constitution" where judges could reinterpret the constitution to fit government agendas anyway they see fit often at the expense of the American people and the Bill of Rights. The reality is with democracy noone is accountable, people vote largesse for themselves, the government goes into debt and then it collapses.

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Mrod 2 anos atrás

And China has human rights violations up to wazoo. The Chinese Communist government has actually pragmatically turned towards fascism to suppress their people. There is theoretical communism and then there is communism in practice. The CCP realized the communist labor theory of value was not a sustainable economic model and when the Soviet Union collapsed they were put on notice (on top of about 50 million Chinese starved to death). Being pragmatic and obviously not wanting to give up their power they seized the means of production in way that was somewhat sustainable. There are Chinese corporations but they are basically under direct control of the Chinese government with political CCP members on the board creating a fascistic version of chrony capitalism.

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Furioso 2 anos atrás

An advantage to marry a woman ?( lil boosie : c'mon mane !) He don't look happy to do so .

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Doggk 2 anos atrás

In these countries marrying a woman is an advantage.. For us in the west it became nonsense because of feminism..

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