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AgentofSocialMediaChaos's Anime Girl of the Day Season 3 Episode 106 Myuu Ousawa

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Publicado em 15 Apr 2024 / Em Filme & Animação

AgentofSocialMediaChaos's Anime Girl of the Day is Myuu Ousawa from Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero

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Toki 11 meses atrás

OK so it's 18+ ecchi harem. You forgot that critical point of info.

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AgentofSocialMediaChaos 11 meses atrás

It's an R Rated Ecchi Isekai Harem series Here's my review of the series

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AgentofSocialMediaChaos 11 meses atrás

It's rated MA which is the TV equivalent of an R Rating in the US. It does have a lot of fanservice in it.

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Toki 11 meses atrás

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: What I mean is point that out. Seems like most shows you recommend are fanservice. But 18+ tag = I'm in for an extra good time like Highschool DxD or something.

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Toki 11 meses atrás

Cute Miku look plus good titties.

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Toki 11 meses atrás

Hey do you know Freya or Freyja from Danmachi? Is that supposed to be the Norse Freya? Or does another Freyja exist? I just saw a Freyja shrine in Rome 1 Total War for the Germanians. Or maybe there's a Greek/Roman named Freyja.

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AgentofSocialMediaChaos 11 meses atrás

The Freya in Danmachi is supposed to be the Norse goddess Freya. There are gods and goddess from multiple pantheons in that show. Greek, Roman, Norse, Mesopotamian, and Hindu gods all appear in that show

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Toki 11 meses atrás

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: I've seen Freya and Freyja. That's why I wonder. Also odd with the Germans in Rome 1. I assume it's historically accurate as they can get for the Rome 1 factions and religious shrines. I guess the Germanians are the early Norse as well as German though. The best part is the Freyja shrine gives you Screeching Women which is a hilarious support unit cheerleader with a kitchen cleaver axe.

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Toki 11 meses atrás

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: I've been on an anime break as I watch Total War mods and stuff. But I just started Solo Leveling. Found a redhead waifu healer.

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AgentofSocialMediaChaos 11 meses atrás

@Toki: Solo Leveling is on my too watch list. I haven't seen it yet. I have started watching one of the new anime out this season called Re;Monster about a human who reincarnated as a goblin and it also has a redheaded waifu in it

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Toki 11 meses atrás

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: I saw a new show image today for a guy that turns into a kaiju. But there's cute monstergirl kaijus waifus on the team who have the same experience. Just looking at the picture on 9anime/aniwave. I see kaiju cuties, two of them.

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AgentofSocialMediaChaos 11 meses atrás

@Toki: I read the manga for Kaiju No. 8. The series is heavily inspired by Attack On Titan. The 2 girls on the team in Kaiju No. 8 don't turn into kaijus only the guy does and a few evil kaiju shifters that show up in later.

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Toki 11 meses atrás

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: OK I was looking at the art and saw waifu + battlesuit + dinosaur fins/accessories. I was hoping for giant waifus in tight suits with dino fins. What a time to be alive!

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Toki 11 meses atrás

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: This is what I was seeing. Waifus in white Zero Suits with extra monstergirl fins/spines. I was hoping they would become giants on demand because that's always fun.

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