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Are We Alone

27 vistas
Publicado en 16 Nov 2024 / En Cine y Animación

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mrghoster 4 meses hace

I bet if the Governments have sold the world they only got scrap value for it! lol! Maybe secondhand car salesman are Aliens in Disguise and not the transformers! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 meses hace

Humans are like a virus they multiply and consume

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mrghoster 4 meses hace

Don't know about lots of Aliens on the planet/Plain right now morons yes but not aliens?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 meses hace

Why would Aliens come to earth

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mrghoster 4 meses hace

Why does god look humanoid if he isn't anything but a fiction created by humanoids or should that be "Human-ODD's" when a baby is born sight is very blurry but the first thing we recognize is the face, it's called "Paradolia" (think that's spelled right)? which is seeing human faces and bodies in everything we see like clouds and maybe a tin of tomato soup with cream in it, Our default vision or sense is to see Human's isn't it, that's why little grey men are like distorted humaoid's part of the program maybe? lol! Fuck after a few beers and gone for a piss I've seen a turd with a human face before now! lol! Or was that the Ex Wife? Well whatever! She left me in the toilet so why would she be in my toilet! You see just one of those unsolvable mysteries of the world? lol! Mins you she was a total SHIT anyways!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 meses hace

Femons seem to be useless at mostly everything....I guess thats is a hard feet, so we will give them that

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mrghoster 4 meses hace

Pic's of Ghost and ufo's are still blurry even to this day because they use $20 Buck cheap Chinese camera's of Amazon and Ebay. Maybe the simulation only allows that default poosition or quality? I don't know don't care and if some little green or grey man landed I would simple say " Hey MAN take me to your leader"! lol! anything is better than here at the moment, Then again maybe I've already been somewhere a couple of times and sent here to watch and record mentally what I see? Maybe there are milloins of use that are human but here to observe or witness (Not JW) witnessing though. Maybe some of use are here and even basically provided for and protected so matybe one day we may be asked to report what we have seen in some sort of Court? Hah! bet you didn't think of THAT! lol! That reminds me I've not taken my MED's this morning! lol! Just out of Vuriousinty, if I were to say have you ever visited the "WHITE ROOM", the one without the padding that is!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 meses hace

We are alone I believe

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mrghoster 4 meses hace

I take the view we are in a simulation of some sort, this would answer without double all the BULLSHIT he have to put up with and why siome things don't effect some of us and other things or the same things effect others badly, if you see my meaning. Take the globe or Flat earth argument? Well as long as for now I wake up in the morming why should I care, hopefully their ios more after death is my view? It's like covid I totally rejected all the rules because it stunk of Bullshit and covid frankly did effect me at all. I take the view the deeper you get into bed with the politics and all the other fake bullshit the worse you will be affected by it, Stand back ignore as much as you can and live YOUR life and not the lives o others the safer you are and this actually works. I take a Stoic view on life and if shit goes down (which is rarely), I deal with it then with no pressures and a clear mind. I think Ghosts, UFO's and any of that weird stuff are part of the program? I'd like to think that the program the simulation has a virus caused by a glitch of some sort which is why every thing is shit right now. I like to thin there is an "Anti Virus" in the background that is Defragmenting the system which is as sectors are move to a safe and uncorrupted place on the system that weirdness and dead or damaged sectors will become visible, just like defragmenting or upgrading your PC program. I see life as one bif "SIMS" game that we don't really have control over very much, something bad has got in the system (could just be a system age thing)? but that is what it is. MGTOW is part of the ANTI VIRUS and it's working and moving MALE sectors to a safe part of the HDD, The virus could be said to be the femon's the illogical and corrupt files that need to be removed. Looking at life this way to me anyways makes complete and logical sense. This is why the system goes through times of rational thinking and is followed by Chaos. Out of chaos comes ORDER, and I don't mean NWO, I mean order as in sustainability for the whole system right now after what could be called a time of stability chaos rules. If you know computers Viruses even with an antivirus can be hanging around for a while until one day YOU notice something isn't quite right? This in my mind is what is happening. Finally does a solar System exist? We only have NASA that confirms this, what if all those Astronomers are just looking at a firmament in a dome if the Flat Earthers are right? lol! What if both the Sun and moon are like the magnet's in an electric motor the ying and yang and they do move about in a sealed unit so to say? Well who am I to say, we know religion is a lie and bullshit so why not everything else, The only sane thing is your own WIT'S that you keep to yourself? Peace gents however full of shit this life is! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 meses hace

The biggest problem is femons are getting in positions and causing the chaos and scamming money when they can. They are destroying all aspects of society

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