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Atheists VS. "God"

16 Visualizações
Publicado em 24 Jul 2024 / Em Ciência e Tecnologia

Is there any solid rationale based on logic or science that can indicate either the existence or nonexistence of God? As Thomas Jefferson said, "Let's question things!"

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myopinion 8 meses atrás

Heres some numbers I found on the internet. Maybe you should contact them. .......................... The Atheist Experience airs Sundays at 4:30pm Austin time. ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Call the show! 512-991-9242 ........ OR, ...... ..... ..... .... .... .... ...... ..... .... .... ........ ...... ..... ....... ......... ....... ...... ... The Line: ... +1-720-619-2288 ...... . .... ....... ........ ....... .......... . . . . . . . . .. ...... Apply to debate on our new show End Boss: .... .... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ...... ...........................................................................................................................................................................................


Sundays: The Sunday Show
Monday: Skeptalk
Tuesday: Chewed Gum
Wednesday: The Hang Up
Thursday: TACIS
Friday: Debates and Bonus Shows!

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GhostxMGTOW 7 meses atrás

I don't own a telephone, so I never call anybody. I completely filled out the debate application, pressed enter, & the screen went completely black. So I don't know if they'll receive it.

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 8 meses atrás

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I love how you set the failings of religions against the failing of science, very curious.
The use of Dark Matter and Dark Energy to prove humanity can not conventionally detect or explain the movement of matter or the ever expanding universe of galaxies that are accelerating, not slowing due to gravity, is a touch of brilliance! Although this would suggest God is made of dark energy / dark matter and is not affected by photons.

Have you thought about how the "Big Bang" created a 3 dimensional ball of material?
A galaxy hurling away from the center, ever expanding and only describable from the physics humans understand in THIS galaxy.
Maybe the natural law is different in each galaxy, which would be further proof of supernatural existence.

For instance, say the Milkyway has natural laws N1, and Andromeda has natural laws N2 which do not contain N1.
Supernatural set would be {N1, N2} and any other natural law sets from other galaxies.

In this way, the "Prime Mover" would be that which set into motion each galaxy to run under their set of natural laws.
Essentially, "God" is the creature that unfurls the galaxies into the Universe and brings them back together, in a dance of the Existence.

There is no beginning, There is no ending, There is only the dance!

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GhostxMGTOW 7 meses atrás

Thanks for your comments. I'd like to comment on it: "This would suggest that God is made of Dark Energy/Matter". ??????? How so?????????? "........................and is not affected by photons." Why would God be affected by photons?? "Have you thought about how the Big Bang....................." I completely reject the Big Bang Theory; I never believed in it. "Maybe the natural law is different in each galaxy.........................." An interesting possibility. But applying Occam's razor, I must go with they're being the same natural law in each galaxy, until there's solid evidence to show otherwise.

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 7 meses atrás

@GhostxMGTOW: You compared God to being unseen just like Dark Matter and Dark Energy can not be measured by regular means, suggesting The Prime Mover may be made of the same stuff. You follow the idea that what is know here, is the same everywhere, even though one has never been "over there" in another galaxy. Yet people know that breathing air is quite difficult when surrounded by water. I am just saying, overpaying one's taxes in America won't get favors, but that is different in China. Same Action, Different Places, Different Results.

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GhostxMGTOW 7 meses atrás

@Villainous Jack: People not only compare God to a father, but say He is a Father. Since fathers have scrotums, you must think that we think that God has a giant penis & testicles in space that blasts out semen. NO. Apparently you don't understand how comparisons work. I in no way, shape, or form ever even suggested that God might be made of any dark matter or any physical matter whatsoever. Nothing I said hinted at that. That's completely illogical. "You follow the idea that what we know is here is the same everywhere." Like I said, I could be dead wrong & am open to the idea that it's different everywhere. I'm also open to the idea that miniature fairies curl up in flower petals at night to sleep. All you have to do to get me to believe it is show solid evidence for it.

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