Austalian news: like watching an Orwellian dystopian movie
36 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 26 Aug 2021 / Im
Film & Animation
Australia is looking more and more Orwellian by the day...
Teenagers arrested for being outside,
Tradesman harassed at work and being sent home,
The thought police watching and herding them like cattle from the skies above.
The state controlled propaganda machine continues to wash brains of the masses and the program is always the same: You must stay home!
Unless of course, you’re getting vaxxed.
You must not “break the rules”: Freedom is selfish!
Is this just the beginning of what is coming?
An inescapable dystopian nightmare.
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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck off ozzyland......grow the fuck up
Come on truckers, shut it down. ALL THE WAY DOWN!