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Bare Witness Pt. 12: Damn, I've Been Ensnared By Yet Another Goth Girl!

29 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 18 Feb 2025 / Im Spiel

Game: Bare Witness (Alterworlds)

Just like in my real life, I've allowed myself to be ensnared by another damn Goth gal. I knew one who wanted to paint every single wall in the house black. And that's not the only bonkers one I know. But damn it, they do attract me. Perhaps Thena here might have more sense!?

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WMHarrison94 1 Monat vor

Hmmm, these girls are going to start getting jealous... I still think the Zen chick's a mafia princess: Better off that you did not go to a mafia ball.... just saying.

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