
Blue Pill Mega Churches (RED PILL)

49 المشاهدات
نشرت في 06 Apr 2020 / في فيلم والرسوم المتحركة

I⁣f you think the Churches of this world have been UN-corrupted by government and big brother infiltration you are wrong! Every dictator in history controlled RELIGION, commonly called the "opium of the masses". Jesus said His followers would be a little flock not a mega-flock [Luke 12:32]. Look into what is called the "clergy response team" who take Romans 13 out of context and teach it the same way Adolf Hitler did as unconditional surrender to the state!! We are to obey God rather than men [Acts 5:39]. The State is the GOD in these mega-churches that is worshipped. These pastors are directly leading the people into another holocaust worse than that of World War 2 exactly as Jesus said [Matt 24:21].

If your church is under the 401C3 Tax exemption the government controls what doctrines your church can and cannot preach. It's not God's government implemented into these churches, it's satan's because they are his churches. Don't believe me tho, believe the Bible. Read it for yourself!!! This world has lied to you about EVERYTHING ELSE, why wouldnt they lie to you about the most red pill book on the planted, the Holy Bible?

If you're interested in starting to lean what the scripture really say heres a good place to start:

To find out how celebrating Easter does not commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ but actually denies the resurrection check out this video on my other channel:

ONLY sign of the Messiah Video:

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GhostxMGTOW منذ 1 عام

I appreciate your video & am thankful to have a MGTOW fellow believer. But I don't agree with you about Easter.

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